Fantasy product idea: Stellar-esque Power Plant

Perhaps not truly a fantasy product idea per se, but I’d love to see a Stellar-family type AC power product that slots between the $500 Dectet and the $3500 P5…

Dan W.

There was one. It was called the P3. It’s now discontinued. Sure you can find a used one on Audiogon. I owned one until I purchased a P10. Used it on everything except my amp. Worked well!

amsco15 said

There was one. It was called the P3. It’s now discontinued. Sure you can find a used one on Audiogon. I owned one until I purchased a P10. Used it on everything except my amp. Worked well!

Yes, I’m familiar, but as you point out the P3 has been discontinued, leaving a $3K “hole” in the power product lineup. Even with the P3 at $2500, that still leaves a pretty big price gap from the Dectet.

Like the Stellar family more affordably filling in the audio product line up between Sprout and the BHK’s, it would be awesome to have something similar fill in the power product lineup.

Just my own little fantasy.

Dan W.

ps - Former owner of a P600, current owner of a PPP and Sprout. Hopeful eventual owner of a Stellar stack…

Dan W said

Perhaps not truly a fantasy product idea per se, but I’d love to see a Stellar-family type AC power product that slots between the $500 Dectet and the $3500 P5…

Dan W.

We have one in the works, so never fear. We’re still working out details but it’s likely going to be in the $2,199 range and be capable of powering all your sources with pure regenerated power and provide a HC clean power option for amplifiers. Expect some real news on this upcoming beauty sometime in the second quarter of 2018.


Of course you do, I wouldn’t expect anything less from PS Audio! :slight_smile: I most definitely look forward to hearing more.

Personally, I have mental barriers on pricing, $1500, $2000, etc. So, $2199 is perceived to be a lot more expensive than $1999, say. Intellectually I know that it is not, but I would find myself going through a lot more gyrations trying to justify spending “over” $2K on a component as opposed to “just under” $2K. Just one man’s opinion and hangups. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the insight into your R&D roadmap, I know its a dual-edged sword for you. I’ve been an engineer (both hardware and software) in the data networking equipment industry for 25+ years and understand the pitfalls that can arise be being too open about product plans.

In any case, hopefully by the time this new power product becomes available, I will again be gainfully employed and able to contemplate purchasing this new beauty! But, I also lust after the Stellar amps and GCD. So many wants, so few dollars…

Best Regards,

Dan W.

We’ll do our best, then, to keep it below $2K. I can only hope we’re clever enough. No one is willing to compromise performance or reliability to get there but we can sure try and beat that because you’re absolutely right. As soon as you cross over the $2K barrier it might as well be $3k. Makes no sense but then…

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That would be really awesome if you could, but I totally get the desire to not overly compromise things “just” to squeeze out a bit more cost.

Years ago I worked for what was then the #2 networking company to Cisco Systems, which remains one of the top-dogs in the industry. Our primary money maker product was a no holds barred, high-end, fastest on the block data networking multi-protocol router, but were continuously moving down-market and down-channel with lower cost products. The cost cutting measures eventually got to the point that the power-switch got removed from the design and, boy howdy, did we ever catch flack from our customer’s over that one! :slight_smile: Sort of along the lines of penny-wise and pound foolish.

For the record, my experiences with your products and the open-ness with which all of PS Audio discusses the products, design trade-offs and on-going development plans has earned a good deal of trust in me, such that I don’t really question the value provided for the price of your products. I view them as fair. Not always affordable to my meager budget, but fair. :slight_smile:

Thanks again and an early Happy Thanksgiving!

Dan W.

Don’t forget, they usually take a trade-in.

Will this be kind of a P20 trickle down?

Yes, indeed!

I wouldn’t fret too much on $2299 vs. $1999.

I purchase all of my PS Audio gear from an authorized vendor that gives good discounts (~10%), so to me $2299 is basically $1999.

Stellar power plant around $2k would be great news. I understand there was a prototype at the expo. $5k for the new P12 is a bit above my pain-point but I can roll with $2k. I’d be happy to give up advanced features like touch-screen, ethernet control and high-end case for the fundamentals: solid re-generation. Hope to see more announcements soon (some time after all the coming P12 and 15 excitement I imagine).

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