Final version firmware released: 1.94 December 9, 2016, Now Interim 2.08 March 9, 2018

Paul McGowan said
It is necessary when you insert a disc for the machine to actually read the contents in the header and then play a short portion of track one - all before we gather enough info to display it on the screen. This is what takes so long.... It's just busier than hell getting data to know what kind of disc it is and what to do with it.
Most users will likely play redbook CD's exclusively, or nearly so. For them, it would be unfortunate to compromise functionality by having the DMP assess each disc for data format. They might prefer a default option for the DMP to act as a redbook CD player only, unless instructed otherwise with each employment for a different type of data. Then the DMP could exercise its laborious data sleuthing capabilities. Or perhaps the user could select the data format on the touchscreen, closing the tray with the same tap, as each alternative disc type is fed to the machine.

Such a concept would be silly if the time savings is on the order of only five seconds when a new disc is played. It would be less preposterous if the DMP’s process of data format determination contributed to any other latency issues in changing track number, fast searching, or disparity in playing and displaying track numbers, content and operational status.

Please forgive me if I am venturing into the zone of “future wishes” rather than core functional issues.

Nobo said
Paul McGowan said
It is necessary when you insert a disc for the machine to actually read the contents in the header and then play a short portion of track one - all before we gather enough info to display it on the screen. This is what takes so long.... It's just busier than hell getting data to know what kind of disc it is and what to do with it.
Most users will likely play redbook CD's exclusively, or nearly so. For them, it would be unfortunate to compromise functionality by having the DMP assess each disc for data format. They might prefer a default option for the DMP to act as a redbook CD player only, unless instructed otherwise with each employment for a different type of data.
Nobo, the option is already there to configure the DMP for redbook playback only. It doesn't make a whit of difference, though, in the degree of latency experienced with navigational functions or in the number of inconsistencies of track title listings on the track-title page. I just checked for you. I reconfigured playback of a 21-track redbook CD that I was having usual issues with from its usual "SACD stereo" setting to just "redbook" playback. None of the issues went away.

The foremost issue that prompted this experiment is one I mentioned a few firmware versions back, which I noticed again this morning shortly before coming across your post. After inserting the aforementioned redbook CD and getting to the main “play” screen, I started navigating around to play various tracks. I noted (as I have before) that using the track-jumping arrow functions on either the remote or the touchscreen seems to take longer for further jumps than it does for shorter ones. Why? I think it is because the DMP is still sampling each track as it jumps – and still (as evidenced this morning on this particular recording) with an audible snippet of each. The muting that Paul mentioned as now being done by the DMP in its reading of track snippets is evidently not always being done. But interestingly, audible snippets as the DMP jumps through tracks is only present on certain discs. I popped in another redbook CD and track-jumping navigations were completely silent. Go figure ;-)…

magister said Here's a report as of 1:00 Eastern time.

The good

The biggest problem that I was encountering -- the track number staying on 1 while the disc continued playing -- seems gone; I will play more discs this afternoon to confirm.

The touchscreen is more responsive.


I still hear little clicks/ticks at the beginning and end of some SACDs. This is the same sound that I sometimes hear when playing DSD files via my NAS. It doesn't bother me because I'm used to it and at one point read an explanation (something about how the timing is recorded in the file header vs an extra tad of silence in the data -- details are vague at this point, sorry). But I have never heard these sounds from an SACD player. People who haven't experienced this with digital downloads may think there's something wrong with the DMP or with the disc when they hear the ticks.

In an earlier post, Paul said that if there was no art available and the tracks were listed in one’s Playlist, the full (non-truncated) text would be shown. This is not happening. (It can be fixed later -- I wouldn't hold up the initial release over this.)

I was wrong. I had come to understand that we do not truncate any of the track titles and have plenty of screen room for their printing. That's still true. What I did not understand is that Oppo only allows (I think) 24 characters over the serial port, which we are restricted to. That may change over time but for now it is a fundamental restriction we are unable to overcome. Titles may still be truncated.

I haven’t had any significant issues with the latest firmware, but have some minor quibbles similar to others. In the interest of adding some data points here’s what I have noticed; the clicks/ticks Magister has noted, inconsistent display content; and a possible issue with Bridge II operation.

With respect to the clicks/ticks I have been hearing those all along with the DMP. It doesn’t occur on every disc, primarily SACD, but to me it is not a problem just an observation. I’m glad they fixed the short snippet of sound that also occured on start up, that was a little disconcerting. I should add there was some discussion of clicks/ticks during one of the recent DS firmwares updates, my recollection was an early version of Torreys. I didn’t have that problem, though at the time I wasn’t using I2S. Perhaps the clicks/ticks are an issue in the I2S circuits only?

The display issues have been reduced with the latest firmware, but it’s not perfectly consistent. When a disc is loaded I usually (might be always, but just in case …) get a detailed screen with all the virtual buttons across the top row, then in the middle of the screen the Artist and first track title on the left side and type of data (PCM or DSD) on the right side. On the bottom of the screen is the Play and Rewind/Fast Forward buttons, and below that the time bar with zeroes on both ends. When I press Play the screen changes, sometimes to a variation of the just loaded screen with a large track number, and sometimes the bare bones screen with the giant track number, track title, artist, PCM or DSD, and at the bottom the plain time track with no numbers. I prefer the more detailed screen but it’s not clear to me what is the determinant in which screen comes up. If it is something to do with the disc I can live with it, otherwise perhaps some consistency? I should add that I have not had any recent issues with the track number or time bar freezing while music continues to play.

The last issue I have noticed is when the DMP is played it will cut off the stream through the Bridge II. I usually have an internet radio stream playing continuously but I’m not necessarily listening to it. In other words if I play a CD (my old ARCAM via SPDIF) or watch TV (via TOSLINK) both played through other DS inputs, then switch to the Bridge the stream will still be playing unless I specifically stop it. Since I got the DMP I have noticed that whenever I switch to the Bridge the stream has stopped. I need to go into JRemote and restart it. I tried Playing the DMP while listening to the Bridge and the stream stopped immediately. Seems like the Bridge is getting confused, but I don’t recall anyone else reporting this so it may be unique to me. This is not a big deal, might even be a good thing since having the stream always on does use up bandwidth. Just the same it would be good to know if this is an expected occurrence.

All in all I’m quite happy with the DMP, definitely keeping it, and will post my review shortly. Thanks PS Audio!

[Large unnecessary quote deleted - Please use the Add Reply button on the top and bottom of right on every page.]

I got similar issues with Bridge II. In my case if I end playing songs in Bridge II and then switch to DMP, then next after playing songs in DMP if I come back to Bridge, Bridge does not respond. Only option is to reboot Bridge (and sometimes DMP too).



Sourav, to be clear to you and others, in my case the Bridge still works after using DMP, I just have to go into JRemote and select what I want to listen to. No rebooting required.

That’s encouraging. Probably you have some clue to solve my problem.

Few Qs -

As a first check are you running JRemote on iPad and JRiver on Mac (mine is MacMini) ?

Also when you say you need to select from JRemote whatever you listen to you mean you just need to select any song from any album and then it will play ?

Are you having DS Senior or Junior ? Which version of Toree and Bridge II you have ?



Sourav, I have JRiver MC20 on a Windows PC and am using JRemote (latest version) on an iPad to control. I have a DS Sr with Torreys Final and Bridge II with firmware 1.2.5 (assume that’s the “version” you referred to). I select any album or internet radio stream, hit play, and it works.

I will say for a lot of the components discussed here, most people have the same experience, but there are always a few who have issues. This is defintiely not a knock against those folks, there’s something about software based things that inspire software “Bugs” to randomly do their thing. Luckily I have not had that issue, but now the “bugs” know who their next target is!65_gif Good luck with your Bridge issue.

Thanks Pmotz for the inputs.

My Bridge II firmware is 0.0.0. Dennis said that’s what is the latest with Torrey. Probably that’s the issue.



Sourav, the Bridge firmware could be the issue. I did not upgrade to the latest since it was for Roon compatibility. I’m not using Roon so it was recommended to NOT upgrade.

Yes. I suspect that too. I have requested Dennis to provide me the 1.2.5 version if he can so that I can test.

I neither use Roon. So upgrading to that did not give me any benefit.



pmotz said I prefer the more detailed screen but it's not clear to me what is the determinant in which screen comes up. If it is something to do with the disc I can live with it, otherwise perhaps some consistency?
I have worked to figure out the logic behind what is shown, since it does not at first glance appear consistent. Here's what I have found; corrections welcome!


  • initial screen is the first one you see, with detailed information about CD/SACD, sample rate, etc., plus controls on the top line
  • secondary screen is the screen that, under certain circumstances, comes along a few seconds after playback is started; it has less information and no visible controls
  • disc info comes either from CD-TEXT (any SACD, some Redbook CDs) or from the Playlist (if DMP is connected to the internet and the info has been found or been entered manually). It includes disc title and track titles plus artist’s name.
  • cover art is a separate item; you can have disc info without art or vice versa.

1. After any sort of disc is inserted and first read, the initial screen appears before playback starts. 1a. If there is no disc info available, the initial screen displays a large track number 1 with the notation ‘PCM’ plus the sample rate to the right. 1b. If there is disc info available, the initial screen displays a smaller number 1 along with the first track title, artist and CD title.

2. User starts playback. 2a. If there is no disc info available, the initial screen remains during playback. 2b. If cover art has been disabled in the setup menu, the initial screen remains during playback. 2c. If disc info is available but not cover art, the secondary screen appears with track number and text centered. This is typical of SACDs when not connected to the internet or when cover art has not been located. It also happens with CDs that contain CD-TEXT. 2d. If there is disc info and cover art, the secondary screen appears with track number and text at the left and cover art at the right. This is typical of either type of disc when the disc has been found and the data added to one’s Playlist.

3. User hits Stop or the last track finishes playing. 3a. If the initial screen is visible, track number reverts to ‘1’ and progress bar is reset to zero. 3b. If the secondary screen is visible, the initial screen reappears, with info for track 1.

I have some thoughts about how this could be made more logical. I will post them when I have time later.


Have been enjoying my memory player for several weeks. After the recent upgrade it began to read the PCM rather than the DSD layer of SACDs.


Just to be sure: check that the default (SACD layer) didn’t get changed somehow. Select the three dots, then the checkbox to get to the setup screen and see which layer is enabled.

Paul McGowan said
…I believe this should be the final version we start shipping products with…


From the dearth of postings on the DMP forums, it seems that β-testing is over, and that you regard FW v. 1.94 as suitable for shipping. Any persistent imperfections in operation are reduced to irrelevant quibbles in light of the overwhelming success of the sound and reliable ability of the DMP to play through CDs and SACDs.

Are you still refining the firmware, or do you regard it as “done, done, London” as they say in Bollywood? Are you shipping now?

β-boys: is your silence the consequence of acoustic ecstasy coupled with enervation and resign after the testing process; or of resolution of all fundamental operational criticisms? May I be so bold as to gauge again where things stand along the continuum from gold brick to quantum computer:

To play Redbook CDs, if used with a DS DAC connected by HDMI, does the DMP reliably do the following:

  1. Upon inserting a CD, display the number of tracks on the CD and its duration, even better its title;
  2. display the number of the track that is currently playing, or paused during play;
  3. permit changing to previous or subsequent tracks one per well-paced click, or direct navigation by numerical input on the remote;
  4. return to title page one, or at least track one to park after complete playing of the CD;
  5. permit fast forward or reverse within a track,
  6. open and close the drawer reliably,
  7. do all of the above by at least the remote, and ideally by the touchscreen;
  8. go into and out of standby when pressing the front button,
  9. do so without locking of the software, adverse effect upon the DAC, or requiring rebooting from the back power switch?
DMP: seductive diva, frustrating but irresistible; or consummately satisfying mate, reliable and accommodating?

My goal in purchasing the DMP was to replace my PWT and the SACD section of my universal player. It has done that, easily, admirably. . . seductively. And it navigates and performs fine in those aspects.

I don’t care about the screen’s text, or cover art, I don’t have it connected to the internet and don’t plan to. It does exactly what I want it to, and it does it oh so well. As a bonus I can pop in the few Pure Audio Discs I have and they play from start to finish, which is fine with me. The playback sound is really really good.

I understand that my usage is a bit Luddite in this day and age of streaming and memory sticks and data fed from the net and others may have more complex and demanding needs for this player. I don’t know how well it measures up to those needs as I don’t share them. But for Redbook cd playback it is a decided improvement to the PWT and I obviously did not wish to go back, I sent my PWT in as part of the trade aspect of the “deal.” And as an SACD player it has exceeded any expectations I had, it truly has transformed SACD listening in my home, I want more and more SACDs now.

Hope that helps.

Nobo said

β-boys: is your silence the consequence of acoustic ecstasy coupled with enervation and resign after the testing process; or of resolution of all fundamental operational criticisms? May I be so bold as to gauge again where things stand along the continuum from gold brick to quantum computer:

DMP: seductive diva, frustrating but irresistible; or consummately satisfying mate, reliable and accommodating?

Seductive sound-wise? No doubt about it! Frustrating? Bet your booties! And the next firmware update (Dennis is working on one at present) will decide irresistibility for me. Two days ago I was back to having to repeat too many taps to the screen again for inputs to finally register. Dennis knows about my issues.

To play Redbook CDs, if used with a DS DAC connected by HDMI, does the DMP reliably do the following:

1. Upon inserting a CD, display the number of tracks on the CD and its duration, even better its title?

(Mind you, I still haven't connected the DMP to the Internet, so the information you ask about needs to be encoded on disks to display). Yes, the number of tracks always appears on the track-listing screen. Forget about recording-duration times. And I almost never see disk titles.
2. display the number of the track that is currently playing, or paused during play?
3. permit changing to previous or subsequent tracks one per well-paced click, or direct navigation by numerical input on the remote?
Input the track number from numeric pad on the remote, and the DMP will take you there. Tapping the track-jumping icons on the screen, though, even if only to jump one track? Not always.
4. return to title page one, or at least track one to park after complete playing of the CD?
I will check on this for you later...
5. permit fast forward or reverse within a track?
Yes -- although getting to a specific play-point within a track is inexact. The quickest way is to tap the scrubber progress bar in an approximate vicinity of where you are hoping to navigate to, check the timing that appears with the new play-point, then tap again if you want to try to get closer from the progress bar...
6. open and close the drawer reliably?
Usually, yes. But just now, I tried opening the drawer from the screen after powering up a quite-cold DMP. (A longer story, but this is my first attempt to power-on the DMP when it isn't remotely close to room temperature). The drawer is clearly jammed. Will allow the unit to warm up for a couple of hours before trying again.
7. do all of the above by at least the remote, and ideally by the touchscreen?
Yes, but realize that taps to the screen do not always communicate and that the display does not always accurately depict what the DMP is doing at the time.
9. go into and out of standby when pressing the front button?
Yes. The only times when the standby button has not worked for me is when the DMP has locked-up. And locking-up is something it hasn't done since the last firmware update.
10. do so without locking of the software, adverse effect upon the DAC, or requiring rebooting from the back power switch?
Rob said
Nobo said To play Redbook CDs, if used with a DS DAC connected by HDMI, does the DMP reliably do the following:

1. Upon inserting a CD, display the number of tracks on the CD and its duration, even better its title?

And I almost never see disk titles...
Nobo, let me change that reply. Disk titles are never displayed from encoded disk info unless they are coincidentally encoded into individual track titles, something that I have seen now only on a couple of disks.
4. return to title page one, or at least track one to park after complete playing of the CD?
I told you I would check up on this later. There's no disk title that will appear from encoded disk info. But, yes, the DMP will return to track #1 after finishing playing the disk.

Finally, I mentioned in my last post that the disk drawer had just jammed and refused to open more than about a quarter of an inch after powering up from cold temperatures (probably in the mid-to-high 40’s F) and trying to insert a disk. I then allowed the unit to come up to temperature before trying again, and the drawer opened without difficulty.

Just when I thought the latest firmware solved the majority of problems I went to put a CD in this afternoon and the screen said “Insert Disc”. Huh? I thought there was a disc in the drawer. Hit the open drawer button, nothing. Hit it a few more times, still nothing. Try the button on the remote. Nothing. Turn power off, turn power on. Now it works. Must be the Full Moon!

The disk drawer jamming last night might be easy to write-off as something that is never going to happen again because who’s going to try listening to equipment so correspondingly chilly. But it didn’t stop me from investigating what else could have contributed. I took photos this morning (of the DMP at normal room temperature):


As the shadow underneath it shows, the drawer face is far from flush with the front of the DMP and is quite a bit more proud on the left than on the right. (And, yes, this is the way I received it many weeks ago).