Firmware updates and fixes for the new Directstream MK2

One possible cause is that the filesystem on the thumb drive is corrupted. This would mess up some files and not others. Doing a fresh format of the USB drive to FAT32 (or doing a file system check) and reloading the update might work.


Thanks Ted. I will try another thumb drive. This one I formatted FAT32 with both Linux and windows and neither worked.

Luca! I cannot wait to upload the newest update! My suit case is heavy and of course we over spent. Itā€™s a good thing the FW is free! We will fly back home on this weekend. I need a vacation from this vacation!

While on vacation I ordered a new rack from Asia, but Iā€™m not sure I can afford a new streamer to put in there anymore :rofl:


77F 9am now, but by the time I tee off in a couple of hours it will be 85F, not too bad. Itā€™s time to put my newly acquired golf clothes in use.


Thatā€™s perfect weather! Enjoy!

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this time success in only about 15 minutes, 6 or 7 tries, with 2 different thumb drivesā€¦

With this update, you have to reset the volume, the inputs, ground lifts, and rename all the inputs as well. As far as SQ, Iā€™ll have to wait untill the update breaks in some more, but it sure is sounding swell right now.
@dchang05, yourā€™re missing on all the fun, hurry back, I think youā€™ll really love this lastest update. :grinning:


My system is stone cold and waiting for me to warm it up. The new FW update will be a nice reunion gift for both of us! Iā€™m so looking forward to it!

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I noticed I had to follow instructions perfectly. Put in usb put in standby the. Cycle power. In wrong order did not do UI update.

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I think my system warmed up quite a bit. Iā€™m hearing a bigger, deeper, clearer, denser, and more real soundstage than ever on this DSD256 recording of ā€œA Wind Invisible, Rembrandt Trioā€. If your system is good on soundstaging, this update may be just your ticket, and you really must hear this recording, itā€™s as good as they come.

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Hi @tedsmith - thank you for bringing out the new updates!

Very much like being able to use the bridge button again on the remote, but this time round to select the Lindemann Limetree Bridge! :slight_smile:

The update brought the unit to the I2S-2 input on restart, advising the input was ā€œTVā€. Fingers crossedā€¦ can that input now handle hdmi audio or is it still for I2S only?

Thanks also to @badbeef - had your visual of the update process bookmarked, ready to go for this one. Very handy! DirectStream MKII DAC Production Launch Start-up - #376 by badbeef

Sorry. Never HDMI audio. Gobs of licensing fees both to develop and on each unit. PS Audio just isnā€™t selling enough units to amortize that kind of cost.


Hi Ted. Thanks so much for letting me know!

You can ā€œcheatā€ with some HDMI Audio De-Embedders. They can strip the audio out of an HDMI connection and deliver it to a DAC over TOSLink or RCA coaxā€¦ I know that some donā€™t work well with the DS Mk I or Mk II. Some restrict the sample rates supported or downsample. I donā€™t know if any pass DSD. Thereā€™s a thread around here somewhere where people have good luck with some.


My I2S connection to my Silent Angel streamer still shows Red on MK2 display
Should that have been fixed with this update?
Thank you

Happy Cake Day Vince! :cake:


Vince, Happy Cake Day also from me. Enjoy it with remarkable Music on your Bartok ā€¦

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Again I have a Mac and no Windows devices and canā€™t expand the .bin files with current Mac OS from the new Mk2 support downloads. How can I do this?


Iā€™m a MAC person as well and canā€™t help, never figured this out. I always end up asking PS Audio for a purchase of a card or drive.

Ok thanks Lon. Have you gotten these files to do the FW FPGA and User files on your Mk2 yet? Whoā€™s the best contact at PS? I want to get these on and test before I put the Mk2 in the rack.

Thanks again.