Firmware updates and fixes for the new Directstream MK2

I was kidding, Ted! :grinning:

I sent a message to Barry




Thanks Ted!

I know… But like I said I was being pedantic. We’ve had past beta testers that didn’t know that they were released from their vow of silence after the code came out.



@tedsmith really honored to have been working (enjoying) some test for you! You are the quintessential part of the success, competence, geniality and prompt kindness of this brand. One word only: THANK YOU!


Update went without a hitch. Why the new code sounds so good? This doesn’t make any sense! Thanks Ted and PS team for this update!

Thanks! We’ll get this fixed ASAP. Should be good to go by tomorrow.

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Magic :slight_smile:

Usually doing more processing on the data is bad, but I added a filter to help DSD and it probably helped everything. Also I’m optimizing the FPGA code a little differently to use less of the FPGA.


All sorted. Fixed Volume was off. The problem, as SteveM reported, was Max Volume was set to 0.

Bit Perfect test works.
Bit rate/depth display now works when the I2S lock indicator is red.
The minor delay I was experiencing before hearing sound when beginning a playlist from scratch appears to be fixed.

However, I am still getting a thump when transitioning from DSD to PCM 44/16. No issue going from DSD to PCM 48/24, 96/24 or 192/24.
I believe the volume of said thump has decreased however.
I’m using a Holo Red as a Roon Bridge into I2S#1

I never had an issue updating the mk 1. This update made a real mess. Input names all screwed up. Volume is either 0 or 1. I will deal with it tomorrow. Need to turn off the fixed volume and reprogram all my inputs and than see where it all ends up! Hopefully when all is done more features will be operational.

I would name this update ASIA, in honor of @dchang05, can’t imagine how he’s frying today being so far from home (and from his beloved system)!


Don’t neglect to also raise the Max Volume when you do the Fixed Volume.


Do you get the same thump when going from DSD to 88.2?

Depending on where he is today, he’s either frying or steaming in the heat. It’s the airconditioned life in Asia this time of year.


Thanks, I realized that was what was going on.

My DS will not do the firmware update. It is at 2.3.6
Power cycling with the usb thumb drive in the FW slots does not update. The unit does recognize the USB thumb drive as it sees the antero 208 and it updated it fine.

Yes I do. Hopefully that helps?

Yes, thanks. I’ll see what I can find.