Game sensitivity and system response keeps changing day versus night,

Hey, I’m not from the audio world, but I think we have kinda similar problems.

My system (Computer, monitor) in other apartments and houses works as it should, but in my apartment, the mouse sensitivity and system response keeps changing by the day. Every day at late night, the monitor picture becomes sharp, and the sensitivity of the mouse becomes “real”. Playing in the daytime, it’s like I’m always half a second behind, with a strong delay on the mouse, and keyboard, the picture also lags. In competitive games this is unacceptable.

I understand that people from the audio world have similar observations. (That the sound changes for the better at night). We call it “Electrical Input Lag”, and a lot of gamers suffer because of this problem. The only solution for us known at the moment is to find a home without this problem or to power the computer and monitor from a gas/diesel generator.

I do not know a single person who has tested the power regenerators (And also from PS Audio), this thing is quite expensive ($1k for used, from $3k for new), many have tested online UPS, but they have had no effect.

In your opinion, would PS Audio Power Plant Regenerator help me? @Paul @jamesh

Hey @WGM7 , welcome to the community!

Although I own P10 PowerPlant I never tried to connect PC to it - only raspberry Pi3/4 and UpBoard “x86 miniPC” without monitor - just for music streaming purposes so I don’t have direct answer your question.
However other community members reported improved picture (sharpness/details and colors) when powering their TV/projector via power regenerator, so it may help your monitor too. I would think ideal situation would be to power PC with monitor and all it’s peripherals from regenerator (based on my experience from audio) and then (if needed) isolate PC from LAN via optical ethernet. This should remove most electrical issues affecting your PC.

It may not be easy to find the real culprit in your case, here are few things I would check first, trying to better understand where the issue comes from:

  • does the lag appear when just in plain OS without anything significant running on backround
  • do you have possibility to run latency measurement tools on your PC? what is the difference you see thru day (with lag) and during night (less lag)
  • are there any differences when you run the same benchmark during day and night
  • are you using only wired connections (wireless ether can become busier during day)
  • are all the cables up the spec - e.g. no semi-damaged cables/plugs
  • does local network where pc is connected have enough bandwidth (e.g. not unusually high number of clients or traffic in that LAN)
  • do you have any unnecessary peripherals connected to your PC? Powered ones (with own power adapter) would be my main concern, especially if powered from different power source than PC. Although PC-powered could eventually be offensive too
  • is the PC in steel case, or acrylic one
  • do you observe anything unusual regarding electricity in your home - like lights sometimes blinking, or humming/buzzing from some appliance
  • if you are able to darken the room during day - does it make any difference to lag
  • is there much temperature difference during day/night
  • when you try to move your PC to other rooms at your home is it still bad during day
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It really seems the power could be the cause (or strong EMI/RFI interference), however as everything else in home works fine it is mystery what kind of distortion is on power line causing PC to run slowly/jittery - still would be interesting to see outputs of Resplendence Software - LatencyMon: suitability checker for real-time audio and other tasks or trying to understand what is happening inside the PC when it OK and when it is slow. I would assume if you will see the usual system calls are just having higher latency then regenerator could help. In case the latency would be caused only by one/few specific interrupt/syscall it should at least give better picture what is going on.

Solved, please delete

Boy, so sorry to read about this. My heart goes out to you and everyone in Ukraine.

Power Plants will regulate the power so that if there are dips or bumps in the voltage levels those will be smoothed out. That doesn’t sound like what you are experiencing but I may be misunderstanding.

Hope that helps.

@WGM7 one more thing - when you tested on UPS - did you also unplug the UPS from power line? I just learned that it might not be enough if it’s Online UPS.

Do you have possiblity to try some notebook running with disconnected from power if it is also suspectible to LAG?

This is to rule out possiblity the lag is caused by EMI/RFI.

Just to be sure - your mouse is wired USB, not wireless - right?

Solved, please delete

@WGM7 thanks for clarification - notebook on battery with wireless mouse working fine tells me that issue is most probably in power (line).

I have asked about this issue around (from retro computing to global cloud gurus) and it seems 2 people had occurred similar symptoms as you describe and somehow related to power - one had multiple occurrences of that as technician in local PC company in Slovakia (replaced ATX PSU always fixed the issue), other got this after lightning struck close to his home (he had replaced whole PC so we don’t know which specific component was failing but I would presume it was also Power SUpply. Maybe worth to check (other model/brand) PSU - even if the PC is working in other places (which may have better quality power) it is still possible it went thru some shock which made it behaving not fully up to the spec.

well atleast tell me ow did u solve it !! ii suffer from this wierd inputlag for 12 years

It gives some positive improvement but definitely not 100% fix. I have tried everything, IMO gasoline generator is the best.

Hi there,

Can I ask how you solved it?


No fix for that

Пт, 16 авг. 2024 г. в 04:24, Sean A Prenter via PS Audio <>: