My wattage readings are also far too high.
The other graphs appear correct.
My wattage readings are also far too high.
The other graphs appear correct.
Sweet, these are the data points I was looking for. It should be obvious, but don’t worry about the PowerPlant’s readings being this high. Nothing will blow up. We have our team looking into it and it is likely a SW issue. Some kind of reporting error. More info to come.
Since when you guys have readings?
I have since 18th September.
@jamesh does the unit itself save the data for some time?
I’m asking since the huge network traffic only started yesterday (and keeps going…).
Despite the useful info collection, I’m start to think in disconnect it from the internet because of all this traffic. But I want to keep the local managing.
Yes, I believe we did start collecting the data mid Sept. No local storage in the actual unit. All of the data is stored on our servers.
If I recall correctly, in the past the server would store the data for a month or a bit more.
Unless we change something, the plan is to have it stored for 6 months.
But if you are silent collecting the data since mid Sept, why the excessive network traffic only started yesterday?
Just for the heck of it I checked and the first data point on mine is 17 Sep @ 10:00 P.M. Central Time.
I don’t have a good answer for this. I don’t know why anything would have changed.
That’s interesting info. It looks like the scale on the watts is off by a factor of 10.
Power Play shows 1250 watts and the P12 display shows ~125 watts.
You guys sure have a lot of irons in the fire and manage to get things done too.
Another unexpected perk.
You’re spot on. This is what the team discovered a few minutes ago. We’re looking at a fix very soon.
I can’t seem to find the link. anyone care to share?
Log into your PSAudio account and go to Power Play under your account.
Looks like it is down again. Looking forward to the fix.
It takes me to powerplay 3000ac conditioner page. The same that appears on Paul’s post. But I believe that it is a broken link
Yes, hang tight. The fellas are working on it right now.
Hi James… Glad to hear PowerPlay is back! I have my P10 connected just like it always was before and everything looks good, but when I go into PowerPlay, it says that I don’t have any products registered (which it is showing in My Products). I did try to go in and enter it again, but it says that the S/N is already registered. Anything else that I need to do on the PowerPlay side to make it work?
Does it look like it has a good network connection?
Yes it does as far as I can tell