I believe it’s more like every 15 minutes or so but I will ask engineering for a definitive answer. I doubt it’ll ever go back to being “real time” as it was in the old system. Back then, each Power Plant was pinging our servers every few seconds and we would then record their data. With tens of thousands of devices around the world that data collection began to add up to many terabytes of data and was one of the reasons we killed it.
The goal of PowerPlay is to offer Power Plant owners a window into their long term incoming power quality. We then show users what’s happening on their power lines and how the Power Plant is responding. As you can see by the graphs, the Power Plant output is a straight line, the incoming power is typically jumping around like a spring. Getting more granular isn’t going to be a big benefit.
Not the real time updates what I was “missing”, I can live without it. If I want to check something immediately (for example how much extra load a certain device brings into the system) I can do it on the P10 display. But there are several steps between real time and hourly updates. Every 10-15 minutes would be a reasonable solution. And yes, you are right, in most of the situations when you just check your power history the hourly resolution is enough. But sometimes it would be good to see the changes a bit more often.
I am thankful for the return of the PowerPlay feature being restored.
The P3 only displays input and output voltage.
I have been having a power related issue and PowerPlay may be giving me some insight as to what is happening.
During the day I am getting a low but audible hum through my system that is loud enough to hear at the listening position.
After the sun goes down it disappears and the system is silent.
Now that PowerPlay is on line, I can see what the THD levels in and out are doing during those time frames.
Over the last 24 hours, THD in ranges from 5.5% > 6.3% on the input, 0.5% > 1.4% on the output.
The hum occurs when the THD out is close to 1% or higher, which is during daylight hours.
Nighttime THD runs 5.5% > 6.3% in with a 0.5% out.
Daytime THD runs 5.5% > 6.1% in with 0.9% > 1.4% out.
Peak input voltage is 123.8 and I am running 120 out, previously I was running 117 out, the output voltage level does not appear to have any effect on the THD out level.
Temperature runs +/- 1C from 36C, the load is very light and constant at just 95 watts.
Any thoughts on what might be hampering the P3s ability to keep the THD down?
The hourly update can show you the main trends of your power, but it is only a snapshot at a certain time. 15 minutes update would give slightly more detail, but it is still far from the details we had before (min/max/average values on hourly basis).
I have two dedicated lines for my hifi, the powerplay site just went down before I could compare the average power quality of both for a longer period of time in order to choose which one will go to the P10. The current graphs will help as well, but the “feeling” is different. Again, not a drama, but the current solution is a step back compared to the one we had. But anyway, I’m happy that the service is back!
Unfortunately not. You can only check current values on your equipment’s screen. This small feature could help without any extra load on PSAUDIO servers.
I agree, the new version has a different feel with is one hour resolution. But I cannot think of any time when real-time response would honestly make a difference, other than the giggle factor.
Adding current values to the browser based LAN access would be a nice feature.
Yes, and this could open new opportunities! I was just thinking…
@Paul! Could you help me to understand all the ways how a Power Plant can “share” measured values with the outside world? Based on your post one method is that it sends data to your servers (each Power Plant was pinging our servers every few seconds). As there was no firmware update for P10 most likely the situation is still the same, the only difference is that your servers does not record all of the data. But maybe I’m wrong. The second way could be that a computer/device “calls” the Power Plant, and it sends the required data. Thank you for the info in advance.
If this is possible, within a “Community project” a small application could be developed which could do the same job what your servers did before the shut down. Many of us has devices on local network (NAS, Streamer PC, or a router) which is up 7/24. If we can “catch” packages sent by the PP’s or we can request data from them, more frequent data recording would not be an issue.
Yes, for most Power Plant owners this is not important. But hobby is hobby, where you don’t need rational explanation for everything you like I’m sure it’s not only me to whom more overview would make added value.
It looks simple enough to automate pulls from Powerplay, but is there an on-device API I can poll for on demand data? I’d like more frequent samples to do some analysis with.
@jamesh and @Paul just to let you know that since PowerPlay was up again (after the wattage scale correction) that that excessive network traffic stopped.
Everything working good!
Many thanks.
I would like see a daily graph option. But nice work getting it operational. Pretty cool stuff. Thanks @Paul
One thing I learned was the difference in measured THD incoming from my dedicated 20amp circuit, and my shared 15amp circuit. Up to 0.5 THD difference per the graphs.
Glad you’re enjoying it. Any time something isa different we struggle with the differences until they sink in. Have a time to live with it and see how you feel.
For my purposes the current functionality is fine. I am seeing things I could not see before and the variability of the incoming power is quite disappointing and surprising. Glad I have the P15.
Right. Agreed. In the new PowerPlay the devices query the server once every 4 minutes. The data is collected then averaged and available to see as an hourly report. Perhaps over time if enough people want we can change the viewing time to that 4-minute window.
PSA thank you for restoring Globalnet PowerPlay. I want to report that I’m seeing an issue that I believe has to do with Timezones. When I first jumped on this over the weekend I noticed that my metrics seemed to be off in terms of the time of day. Low and behold I never setup my timezone correctly. So I did that on Saturday and figured I’d give a couple of days to catch up. Still today the data being reported doesn’t jive with my activity and looks to be off by the difference in timezone. It’s not critical, but nevertheless it is off.
It seems to be linking to the local web GUI for the P5 but the IP address its grabbing is way off should be and its picking up … weird!
So I unregistered it and registered it again and now power play says I have no products registered…GRRRRR…despite being properly registered again and showing a green globe on the front screen too.
Who do I PM to get this sorted out…was working sort of I saw graphs and now its not.
Where is the download of the full manual - there only seems to be a quick start guide?