I know, I know… I’m working on my rack prototype now but it’ll only have 3 shelves to start, and my Kuzma 'table is arriving this week so between that, my preamp and the DAC, I’m out of spots… maybe I’ll just put the PZ back on the floor…
It doesn’t have a fuse so of course we had to find something to tweak= footers and shelves.
Ok, stock feet do seem very slightly better. The Pangea still sucks. I will rectify it eventually…
I may have to borrow those feet from @straightwire again to place under the PZ and see if I hear a difference.
The PZ has not caused a spontaneous combustion so far on my Pangea rack.
The new rack is scheduled for delivery this Friday, in just a few days my fire risk will be significantly lowered and my warranty should remain intact as per Al’s law.
Did you get the Diablo 333?
Yes, and the StandArt rack just like the one in the picture Al posted.
Don’t you guys know that making your own rack is always the best. It’s the Rule of Sweat Equity.
I have an extra set.
Did the 333 arrive?
Now you tell me? Lol
No, the 333 and the rack are on the same pallet.
I’m jealous. Your world will change for sure! In a great way!!
Gush! I am so jealous!!!
You are in for the first of MANY really fine days!
I am so happy for you!
And your PowerZone is already in place!!!
It sounds like you are moving in the right direction!
Just make sure your new rack can hold the $100,000 amp I am going to talk you into!
They make a special stand for that $100k amp. You have one! Lol
Congrats, want to see a few pics as soon as the system is ready!
It costs $8000. Bah.
It does have to support the weight of the Apex or a compact car.