Has Paul finally replaced his Mac Mini?

I noticed in the most recent Ask Paul bottom shelf next to the P15 sitting on a power base appears to be an Innuos Zen or Zenith Mk III streamer? Is this a benchmark unit for the new Octave streamer?

Sharp eye. Yes, Paul finally moved on from the Mac mini. So far my experience with the new Innuos has been killer. I really like it with the DSD! If we weren’t releasing the AirLens next year, I would get one myself.


I can confirm the link-up as well. Innuos has it down. Especially with their new app. Roon is not necessary, which is my personal preference in my system. I still use my MacMini in one of my remote systems, but I grow tired of the work arounds. Which reminds me I got the approval to ditch the MacMini and replace it with a more current device, hmmm, what’s a boy to do? Ha!

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Which device is it in the rack?

They are hard to tell apart since they use identical cases. If I had to guess I would say Zenith MkIII. The Zenith is the model in between the Zen and the statement. @jamesh might be able to answer.

Innuos’s website leaves a lot to be desired.

I can’t tell what I’d need to have a whole house solution similar to what I have with Roon.

Do I purchase one of the servers and then use the mini as endpoints? Iooked at the support docs and in the Inn-sights section. Nothing jumps out as a guide.

I’d be more than willing to discuss, we could set-up a phone call. PM if interested. I don’t represent Innuos but I do have a Zenith MkIII/Phoenix re-clocker.


That’s very generous of you and I may take you up on this if the Lens and Octave h/w doesn’t pan out.

We really like the whole house features of Roon. Especially me with xxRendu’s as endpoints everywhere. I know it could sound better in some cases, but it works very reliably.

Yeah, we have two of the Zenith MkIII. One running in the IRS room and one in the aspen room.


I’ll ask the obvious, how is it connected to the DSD, USB to Matrix to DSD via I2S, or straight in USB to the DSD?

We’re just going straight USB.


GTK, and thank-you for sharing.

Does Paul know his Mac Mini has been replaced with a Zenith? I don’t imagine he uses Roon. :wink:

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Are you using Innuos 2.0 with DSD? I played some of the last set of PSA test tracks from a DSD download and the sound is very good.

Innuos implemented uPnP on my machine, so I can use Innuos 2.0 via the RJ45 output connection and multi-room. It’s a development function, but seems to work without issues.


Did Paul get a price break on that PST? It looks like it’s missing its top.

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In case Paul compares the future Streamer and server to the Zenith, this would probably be the most important comparison aside of maybe the Auralic Aries as a very open sounding one.

Experiences would be very welcome to hear of at the end!


The PST has been like that for a while. I think he is still figuring out where to place the 3M tape!


I’d agree makes one wonder if possibly this is one reference the PS Audio is considering for dialing in the upcoming Octave streamer/server. I also think you are correct in considering the Auralic Aries for comparison due to its open sound.

@stevensegal Yep, we sure are. I haven’t spent loads of time with it but I’m rather pleased.

@jazznut Only makes sense to. We’re definitely hitting a much lower price point for the Airlens but the Innuos will act as a great reference point. I’m excited to compare.


Well the Zenith is a server not a pure streamer. Do you also hit a much lower price point with the Octave Server?

Afaik it’s below 4K and the Octave Server was presumed in the 6k region.

In Case of cost cuttings I’d prefer non exchangeable parts on a high level and upgradable parts (like the power supply) as upgrade options (even if DIY).