Help choosing a Power Amp

When I got my Pass monoblocks they were shipped by FedEx. Tracking showed they were to have been delivered on a Saturday; they were not. I was fuming because I would not have been around that upcoming Monday. On Sunday I was surprised when the FedEx truck showed up and my boxes were delivered. It’s the little things… :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have always thought FedX was a better company then UPS. Still do. UPS blew it when they failed to move the box day 1. Reason stated was they failed to move a trailer on time.

They could of shipped it next day air to make up for that. Nope. They could of delivered on Saturday. Nope. Dang sure aint coming today. I would think shipper could request a refund.

This was not a weather delay. This was ineptitude.

Ill work from home Tomorrow to cover their lack of quality. Glad i can do that as they would probably just dump it in the driveway.

IF it gets here unscathed then all will be fine. But in general I avoid shipping and ill certainly avoid UPS. However I doubt they miss me !

No prob, the 300s were a night and day difference. Whichever direction you go, in my experience a comparable separate amp and preamp will beat the integrated amps (I have not heard the Gryphon Diablo though). Best of luck!

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I have not heard Gryphon either…No point really, for me anyway but im sure its pretty amazing.

One of if not the best amps i have owned was a Dag integrated. It beat any pre/amp combo i have had from tube to Pass. Thats just my experience but i also had some good equipment and speakers for it to show itself on.

I am heading back to a pre/power amp combo though. Power amp will be Accuphase. Pre will be either a very transparent LS type like a LA4 or possibly even a tube pre depending what i hear. In the meantime it will be pre out from a Rose 520 to the AP amp and ill go from there.


I’m looking for a balanced pre for a much more modest setup so am curious. If you don’t mind, why the LA4?

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USA company, a unit nearby to try, very good reviews, recommended by another audio nut i trust. Balanced with remote.

A LS pre that will not “flavor” what i have already if indeed that is what one is after. Good price point new or used.

Pre is like a DAC. 1k to 10k (unless like some guys on here. 10k to 50k) lol. But my point is what connectivity do i want and how will this work in my system?

If i want 100% "synergy " than get same mfg as amp. Which actually is not out of the question. However in my experience, for whatever reason a pre can enhance the listening experience if placed between source (streamer, DAC) and amp. I rarely found that the same mfg provided what i wanted. For instance i loved my Pass amps. I did not like the Pass pre.

So sky is the limit as to what pre, but i definitely think a LA4 is a great place to start. It checks a lot of boxes for me. Also while the LA4 is not cheap, you dont need to drop 10 or 15k+ to get great sound. I look for the sweet spot. With a budget of 5k, you can get a great example of almost any component.

Also reviews help…from Stereophile:
The LA4 is probably the most transparent and revealing audio component I’ve ever used. It does not seem to leave any fingerprints on the sound. It has a useful array of inputs, outputs, and functions, and the use of sealed relays for volume and input selection assures a long and noise-free life. Benchmark might improve on the display and remote control, but I do not have any criticism of the LA4’s sonic performance.


Many thanks. I don’t want to detract from your thread so will only say Benchmark has been on the radar for awhile - the LA4/HPA4 most recently. The functionality and form factor are perfect. My only concern is performance in my system / preferences which can only be answered by trying. I’ve just not come across these discussed in the context of a system such as yours, so I very much appreciate your thoughts.

Your not detracting at all. These threads tend to wonder anyway. TMR carries LA4. New is 60 day trial? You can return. The shipping is not bad vs a amp or speakers.

I can look at Accuphase, i really liked Aesthetix too… i have not gone further in my search as too many possibilities till i narrow down the goal. But LA4 seems like a contender.

Ill try and remember ya if i try one next week. Not sure ill be much help but i can share my thoughts if thats the ticket…

The pre journey has barely begun. Im sure folks here have ideas but i need to narrow down what im after first.

Good luck!

Thanks much. If you get to it, your impressions will be helpful.
TMR had a couple of nicely priced HPA4 recently that I let go by. Used Benchmark typically doesn’t last long enough to think about.

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Exactly. It hits above its price point. Mac usually flies out of there to. Pass etc. I see some really cool stuff out there at some sites but got to be careful with Agon, Audio Mart etc.

Also cool equipment to be had but i have learned you venture too far off the beaten path you can get stuck if you ever want to turn it.

I can go Rose 520 or 150b out but a quality pre will trump a source output stage. Thats the fun. Can always add separate pre and or Dac. Keeping those options open are key

Plenty of good ol USA :us: made stuff that rocks. Including PSA.

Finally made it. Cant bring myself to hook it up yet…im just looking at it lol

Bigger than i thought


Gonna do some light manual reading. Its a different sound than some of my other systems. Gonna need to spend a few days. Thanks to everybody for comments, help etc.



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Thank you. Love the meters. Not sure you can cancel them but they are low light and readable during day and subtle in low lite. Have not tried dark yet. Probably later in the week to really test it. Im starting out with just plain ol Spotify. Work my way to Qobuz and then 24/96. May even figure out my first DSD this month if i can download or find something I like.


Can you imagine two on the top shelf! Holy smokes. Streamer below. Maybe a pre and dac? Oops wait, im not Al. Breath, relax. Repeat.


Save your pennies. Something worth aspiring to, for sure.

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Looks great!

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Envious here!

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WWWOW! Very impressive. What are the speakers?
I’m looking forward to your thoughts on the lovely Accuphase.

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