How long in Greenville? My dad’s family is scattered between Greer and Salem. He’s in Keowee Key.
We bought the second house there in July of 2020. Our daughter (our youngest), Son-in-Law and first Grandchild live there. It will likely be our permanent town eventually. We almost bought a house in Greer but the over rapid growth in the area was bothersome to me.
Did you come from Michigan/Indiana border by chance?
No, Tallahassee, Florida my whole life. My wife is from Harrisburg, Pa. area and came to Grad school at FSU and never left. My Dad’s family moved to Florida from Clayton, Ga. which is about 80 miles from Greer. So kind of going back to the general area my Dad came from.
I was curious. I purchased my amps a couple of years back off Audiogon from a J Dawkins who lived in Michigan just north Indianapolis, PSA M700’s.
I live north of Baltimore. My dad was born in Greenville. His Grandfather was the Sheriff of Greenville County at the time. His dad moved to Baltimore during WWII, worked for the DOD. Cost of living is much better in SC, so when he retired my parents moved to Keowee Key.
Maybe someday.
They’re about 35 miles from me as I’m on the NW side of Greenville County just Northwest of Furman University. At the edge of where it becomes Travelers Rest. We actually looked at property in Six Mile about 8 miles from them. The Boss didn’t want to live that far away from the Grandson whose in Taylors. Because of all the new corporations moving into the area plus the continued expansions of BMW, Michelin, Amazon and Ryobi the housing prices are through the roof with no end in sight as the Commissions are starting to put a clamp on all of the Urban Sprawl into former Agricultural areas.
I was gifted some very impressive sounding Class D amps. I’d love to play them for one person in particular and hopefully his head would explode.
These particular amps have very extensive power supplies and a class A front end driving the Class D portion. I loved them and listened happily for hours on end. My current amps are always in class A mode but so what? They are less powerful than the class D amps I previously used but they seem nice. I never had any issues with heat or heavy power use with the Class D amps. They were powered on 24/7. I think they use 15 watts at idle. The Class A amp gets shut down each night. It uses considerably more power and heats the room nicely in winter. In summer it’s no issue.
There are some very fine class D amps out there that are affordable and useful when power and heat are a concern. I have my class D amps on an extended, perhaps permanent loan to a friend of mine and he is very pleased with them.
The new designs keep offering more and more options and fortunately the prices seem to keep moving down. The new class A amp I have on order is going to change things dramatically and probably consume more power and be warmer temp wise. And now I have to get two of them. It would be nice if they caused headaches for that special someone though.
I’m not sure where the cutoff is for phase information our ears pick up, but it’s this very type of subliminal bat hearing that makes a certain range of ultrasonics actually somewhat relevant - in music’s transients though. This why I wouldn’t purchase speakers with a pesky frequency response that falls below 30kHz!
I haven’t compared the M1200 to the Legacy IV amps directly but I am confident the IVs will sound great as will the M1200s! With that said, my main speakers use the same amp modules in them and they sound absolutely amazing. Happy Listening!
I am wondering when the Greta Thurnburg environmental crowd finds out what a horrible person you are for wasting all that power and energy for pretty class A sounds. I suggest you plant some trees to offset your audio carbon footprint:)
As a previous owner of Krell, Vicent Audio, & BAT mono-block amps (I am a mono-block guy), the M1200 is the most-balanced sounding amp (cheapest too) in my system.
Of course, by no means are they the best sounding D amps out there, but for the price they are hard to beat. I recently replaced the tubes to Telefunken NOS which was a transformation, and I feel I can live with them for a long time.
I sold my Parasound A21 after auditioning the PS Audio S300 FWIW. I’ve since moved on to a Krell integrated but the S300 was pretty great being fed through my former tubed preamp.
Thanks much for your comments. I’m certainly not discounting Class D. A couple of the more compelling and interesting amps I’m considering are Class D. They’re interesting in part because the landscape is so very different than A & A/B. From those who seemingly do little more than assemble a couple of modules in a box to others that design end to end, there’s a confusing numbers of choices to consider.
The most recent to catch my attention is the recently released NuPrime Evo STA. NuPrime seems to tend towards end to end design. Though the Evo uses a op amp input module they reportedly design their own power supplies and power amp sections.
Hello all,
I just wanted to add that I have M700s with a rouge RP1 tube preamp. sounds wonderful with this combo.
Has anyone heard the AGD class d amps?
They look pretty sweet.
TMR has one right now on sale for 4700 and it has Gan Fets. 95% efficient.
Marantz has adopted Class D technology for its top-tier amps: PM-10, PM KI-Ruby, and Model 30. I own the Model 30 and find it to be detailed and transparent, with a big soundstage. While there are definitely better quality amps out there, it performs well for its price range ($2500 when I bought it, now $3000).
Well, the gear is impressive, but sadly that Glenfiddich whisky bottle needs an upgrade…
M700s here with a Rogue Audio RP-7. Gorgeous!