I miss...

My eyesight ain’t what it used to be. If I recall correctly, you used to be able to double tap on the iPad to zoom in a bit. Sure would make reading easier on my failing eyes

Stretch50. ( Yea, I wish I was 50. Maybe then I could see )

Welcome, stretch50!

I do not have any iThings, but is this not a function the iPad controls - not the website?

Most websites that you view with an iPad browser let you zoom by tapping or by stretching two fingers apart (the latter must be turned on in settings–I don’t recall that the former ever did). But the new PSA site does not enable this for some reason. I also would like this feature.

It is certainly desirable.

I remain intrigued this is a forum setting, rather than controlled by the iThingee itself.

I agree that it would be nice to have bigger fonts. As stated the website blocks my iPad from zooming. I’ve found other websites that do this. Don’t understand why, especially when the fonts are small. I do see a place to change fonts in the reply box, but it only applies to the reply. There also is a place to change font size at the top of the page (AA A) but it doesn’t do anything. It acknowledges being tapped, but doesn’t change anything. This shouldn’t be so difficult!

Hah, in my reply below I adjusted the font size of the A’s, when it posted it made them all the same size. I recall it did that in another post where I italicized a word. So much for being creative…

They are different sizes for me.


Forgive me if I did this wrong. Not used to adding to forums.

pmotz sees the zoom issue the same way I do. Some sites allow a double tap zoom and some don’t. I thought maybe that feature was part of the site.

Not sure if this forum was produced in-house or farmed out. If it was in-house, I was hoping the team would be able to add the zoom capability.

stretch50, AKA magnifying_glass50

You did nothing wrong! :)

I am just letting you know that your 10:29 am post contains different sizes of text that I can see.

stretch50 said

Not sure if this forum was produced in-house or farmed out. If it was in-house, I was hoping the team would be able to add the zoom capability.

It's SimplePress http://simple-press.com/ with helluva plugins.