While listening to music, from time to time in the middle of the song it will cut out, then come back in. I have JRivers 19. how can I fix this? Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I havn’t seen it.
It is not your PWD, but something in the playback setup - it can be anywhere from harddrive access to the final streaming to the PWD.
I suggest starting with buffer size/latency settings. Increasing buffer size will decrease skips, but slows down seeking, etc.
Thanks Elk. But not to sound dumb…but I am. LOL! Where do I do that? ( Details)
I do not use JRiver and cannot provide a tutorial. There is a lot available on the program if you do some quick searching.
Others with more specific knowledge will hopefully jump in.
I do not use JRiver and cannot provide a tutorial.
But for sure, you know it's not an issue with the PWD.
Like the Dutch company that states: wij van WC eend adviseren WC eend!
What is not stated is how the music is getting from JRMC to the PWD. USB? S/PDIF coax? Toslink? Ethernet to the Bridge? Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
USB is generally reliable but has high processor overhead and could be subject to stalling.
S/PDIF coax connection gives reliable delivery with low processor overhead but is subject to ground loops and jitter and is highly dependent on the transmitter.
Toslink has no ground loop issues but is generally not a high quality transmission medium.
Ethernet to the Bridge gives excellent sound quality but the Bridge has its playback issues. Somewhere between the media server and the Bridge there can be dataflow stalls and the Bridge is known to have skips and hangs. We think that these are usually network issues but could be server of communication issues with the Bridge.
Also, where the media library is stored can affect playback as well. The best is a hard drive in the server, followed closely by NAS storage. USB us the least desirable as it has high processor load and can be subject to data flow stalls.
Ultimately we need more information to diagnose the problem.
Running from wireless Apple Extreme (Gen6) to Apple Express in living room, to bridge. all of my music is on a separate external WD hard drive, nothing else on the hard drive but music.
Hard-wiring the Bridge to the router would most probably resolve the issue.
Wireless is tough to keep stable unless you are in the same room, even with the mighty Extreme.
i would suggest any of the following.
1/ hardwire router to bridge
2/ try a PLC ethernet extender device between the Bridge and router
3/ try to get Bridge and router closer together.[ less walls n other obstacles]
Apple Express is an extender, and reading say’s “excellent” Airport Extreme is an 802.11ac dual band. Plenty strong signal. Thanks though…
I also have both of them but choose to hard wire for the same reason.
dave03hd said: While listening to music, from time to time in the middle of the song it will cut out, then come back in. I have JRivers 19. how can I fix this? Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I havn’t seen it.
I guess the drops don’t bother you.

J.P. USB is generally reliable but has high processor overhead and could be subject to stalling.
My USB has stopped, has been fine for months but last night it returned, no apparent reason. Is there a fix for this, it escapes me, in past it eventually reconnects.
Sorry, but I don’t have any good answers for USB issues. About the only things would be to disconnect / reboot / reconnect and if that doesn’t work, remove and reload the drivers, also with reboots every time you do ANYTHING! What a pain!!!
Is a Mini so I’m not going to try messing with drivers. Have done the reboots/reconnects, will not play with any of my multiple players as well as any internet streaming,eg Pandora, yes a MAJOR PAIN.
When I was wireless streaming I got a lot of drop outs especially when I used my microwave oven.
The use of PLCs fixed me up. This move, as well as a router I can give static ips, was the biggest reliability fix I have tried. I get very occasional dropouts now. In fact hardly any & I can microwave with impunity!
Really? What is this ‘impunity’ and what does it taste like?