Looking for HDMI-I2S pin-out diagram

Looking to fabricate a HDMI cable to carry audio I2S signals from a PS Audio transport to a Holo May DAC. What is the correct 19 pin HDMI pinout diagram? Is this one correct?

|1| GND — Ground (Common ground for signal integrity)|
|2| LRCK (Word Clock) — Left/Right Clock (Word Clock, syncs audio)|
|3| GND — Ground (Common ground)|
|4| SCL — I2C Clock (optional for device control)|
|5| SDA — I2C Data (optional for device control)|
|6| GND — Ground (Common ground)|
|7| SD (Serial Data) — I2S Audio Data (main audio data stream)|
|8| GND — Ground (Common ground)|
|9| MCLK — Master Clock (DAC clock synchronization)|
|10| GND — Ground (Common ground)|
|11|+5V — 5V Power (used for signal integrity, optional)|
|12| NC - Not Connected (Unused)|
|13| NC - Not Connected (Unused)|
|14| NC - Not Connected (Unused)|
|15| NC - Not Connected (Unused)|
|16| NC - Not Connected (Unused)|
|17| NC - Not Connected (Unused)|
|18| NC - Not Connected (Unused)|
|19| GND — Ground (Common ground)|

Thanking you in advance — Pete


Here is a link to a chart that Jesus from Sonore compiled a while back. Not sure how “current” it is but it has the usual suspects in it including PS Audio.


Thank you!