My meters are kept dimmed, a 509X. The 509 X has more punch than the 590. So selecting either will depend on the speakers, and the type of music one prefers. The 590, is slightly cleaner in the mids and upper frequency, but can sound congested as one increases volume. Again the partnering speakers make a big difference in sound with either integrated amplifier.
Do you think the L509x will be replaced by a 509z in this round of updates?
Did you try the Ref75SE with a Ref6 or 6se preamp?
I know the 75se is great but it sounds like you find the Luxman 595 to be better than the 75se and BHK pre combo. Just wondering if you ever paired the 75se with a Ref preamp?
I wouldn’t think the 595 could top that pairing but ……
I tried it with a REF6 but not the SE version. The BHK held its own against the 6, slightly behind in some aspects but also slightly ahead in others. At the end of the day it was pretty much a wash.
But yes, the 595 definitely hold its own against the BHK/REF75SE combo and in some ways betters it. I know… that’s says a LOT!
The 595 takes the punch and drive of the 509ux but adds the sweetness of the 590. It’s truly the best of both worlds.
I do think that the 590 will be replaced. The 507z has already been announced (expected in October) and with the 590 being discontinued, logically a replacement is in the works.
Interestingly the 507z has an MSRP of $9k, do really close to the current 509ux. Guessing it might be down the road before the 509 is replaced. A guess nothing more…
Not familiar with the 509ux, but I am familiar with the 509X. Ultimately they, Luxman integrated amplifiers, shall all be replaced in due time. So one can only address that which is presently in the market. In my experience mating the amp to speaker is critical. The 590 tended to lose its magic with speakers that required more current, 4 ohms and below, or were less efficient, 87 dB/watt. The 595 should be a real treat, unfortunately it is limited to 300 units so many will never have an opportunity to hear it.
I hear there would be just 300-units (worldwide) of the Luxman limited-edition L-595ASE.
That’s correct. And each unit has a plaque on the back with its number of 300.
It appears to be one sweet amp.
The great thing about these upper-crust Luxmans is that I feel like this is the closest I would get to separates/monoblocks, without going there. (No way I would in this space, just not viable.)
Plus I use it for everyday music in the living room, not just “critical listening”… I don’t feel like that’s practical with a sophisticated monoblock setup.
Beautiful machine!
If I were to go to a lower power ss integrated in the future (a distinct possibility) the list would be relatively short. The Luxman and the Esoteric F-03A both incredibly well built and machined products with with the sonic goods to back it up
My sense was it was about 50-50 as to whether folks preferred the class A rated 590axii or the class AB rated 509X. Not surprising I suppose - both similar cost, similar looking, just biased differently. I’ve unfortunately not been able to hear them side-by-side, but would certainly like to. Have talked to many people who I trust who’ve heard or owned both.
Both class AB circuitry, just that 590 spec’d only over its class A operating window 30W to 8 ohm, 60W to 4 ohm, but tested by several mags to go up to near 90W to 8 ohm operating in class AB outside of its class A operating window.
I was at dealer today, and the Luxman Rep was their, he stated that the 509x will be redone but it will go up in cost to the 15-12k mark. I asked him if the current 507z was better than the 509x, he stated no but the newer 509x will have more improvements (I am sure that was to sell current inventory) . I had the chance to listen to 505/509x and 595 all sounded great, I already have a tube pre/amp and separate mono blocs which I like, but the 509x sounded the best to my ears on all types of recordings. The 595, was excellent and slightly better, but only playing back very well recorded tracks. I could live with any of these Amps, all where fantastic. I have the 509X on demo, and I don’t think its going back! I don’t have time to wait for the next model, then the next etc…etc… My quest for the ultimate Int. Amp, ended today, now time to enjoy the music.
Awesome. I suspected there would be a 509z after the 507z was released. Any idea when it will come out? Or another way of asking, how long will the 509x be around?
Your experience shows why dealerships are invaluable and clearly the superior model. You got to A/B/C all the models you were interested in, choose the one you preferred, talk to the rep!, and then take your chosen one for home demo. Brilliant!!
I also think the 509x is amazing. I demo’d it head to head versus an Audio Research separates stack at $20k on Wilson SabrinaX speakers and preferred the Luxman. And I own ARC so was expecting I’d like the ARC stack. But despite retailing for half as much, the Luxman 509x sounded better to me
kzk: With the way the supply chain is, that 509z might take a few years before we see it. To me there are a few Amps that cost reasonably that are within sane reach for an End Game Int Amp, and Luxman was it for me. CH is another but at their prices unattainable for most, I had used one for a while and wish I would have kept that one. Lately been trying out a ton of different Int. The Moonriver Ref 404, is a remarkable Int. Amp for the money around 4500-5000K range.
I’m hoping that is the case, as 509x is the one I want (today anyway), and I need it to hang around until I’m able to swing for it.
I’ll also be scrutinizing all of the options in 8-12k landscape to see if anything does it better for me. But I think it will be hard to top
kzk: I am with you had both units here to demo, the 509x isn’t going back! Two units being the 595, which I liked a lot , and the 509x which I loved especially with my speaker selection.
Wow, that’s saying a lot.
(I love my 509 and, not that I need reassuring, it’s nice to hear it holds its own against the 595.)
Well I had both units for a short weekend, and returned the 595 which I believe was sold already. For my speakers the extra power the 509x provided was reassuring. I do have several speakers "Dynaudio C2’s, SF Olympica III and Joseph Audio Graphine 2 on hand. My reference system is David Belles Monoblocs and his VT-01 Tube Preamplifier. The 595 was liquid velvety smooth, the 509x sounded slightly better on all three speakers to my ears, and that’s what counts. If I was in a smaller house or smaller room, there is no doubt I would have flipped the other way on my decision, speaker matching and room come into play of course. Best made Int.Amp (s) I have had in my house so far… Another one that is very good, and has the old school look, is the Moonriver 404 Ref.
It’s a very handsome thing, no doubt. I do doubt that it could drive my wildly inefficient Harbeth 40.2, but it might!