This size is the key in the above description. I bet there are exactly zero balanced linear amplifiers in existence that have the exact same dimensional measurements
Don’t panic! (unless your amplifier is Class C)
BHK600 17.1” x 11.2” x 14”
Soulution 701 560 × 306 × 585 mm = 22 x 12 x 23"
Seems like the BHK600 is a bit on the small side.
I think the 701 can operate both stereo or mono, which is useful as you can rob a bank to get one, use it in stereo, then rob another bank and go dual mono. With the BHK600 you only have to steal your neighbour’s Tesla to get a BHK pair.
p.s. I don’t seek to promote crime, just think of it as an alternative form of finance.
Is the BHK600 the only fully balanced hybrid amplifier at 600 watts? It may be more linear, because tubes are more linear than transistors.
I’m not sure why someone always feels like it is their duty to pee in the punch bowl.
Too funny!
There won’t be a video and I was able to unbox and setup the 600’s myself. It takes just a little more muscle than the P20. The only excitement was FedEx crunched a corner and took out a wheel but everything is ok. Review to follow.
Thought you were assigned punch bowl guard dury
Best wishes
I am technically on vacation so off duty for a while. I forgot to assign a substitute.
Ya ya ya …excuses
Best wishes
One of the drawbacks of a big road trip is I got my credit card jacked sometime yesterday. I only use chip readers but they must have had a snoop in the reader that got the number. One charge in Iowa and one in Washington. We havent been in either one on this trip.
Yes they killed the card and are sending a new one but seeing as we are traveling every day I will have to wait for it to show up at home and then plan on an overnight shipment to get it to wherever we are at that time.
I friggin’ hate thieves. A lot.
And I have to somehow scrounge up some cash to use until the new card makes it to me.
There is a special reward awaiting the thieves…and it will not be enjoyable
for them!!
Had the same happen with me…Wish you the best friend!!
Terrible moments, wonderful moments! Too many extreme emotions…
Glad you are enjoying now the beasts, keep us informed.
I should be receiving my pair by the end of the week. Any hints or concerns???
what preamp & speakers are you using?
I think where confusion comes in is the technical description. The BHK600 is the only power amplifier (of its size) in the world that is linear with respect to its output stage. This is because the BHK series of amps all use single “sex” output devices (where everyone else uses complimentary P and N devices).
It is a two-fold idea: N channel output devices are superior to P channel output devices, and anyway, they are different. By employing only N channel devices in the output stage, increased linearity is the result.
Back in the day I played with a few (amateur radio) “Linear amps” - truly impressively dangerous toys with a HT well over 1000 volts, and (then) often home made with no real casing
Well, that’s not the same thing, it’s just a design feature that may or may not be unique. There are others, like the more powerful 750w Chord Ultima 2 (the direct comparison in the UK market), that measure incredibly well and would surely take offence if someone suggested they were not linear.
It just seems to be a distraction from what I presume is a fine piece of audio equipment to suggest no one else can make a linear power amplifier.
I don’t know what N and P means and why N and N should make an amplifier better. But if that is the USP of this design, perhaps it should be stated and explained, rather than something that some of us immediately considered highly doubtful.
If you don’t know what N-type & P-type MOSFETS are, and why eliminating the inherently non-linear ones (P-type) makes the amplifier circuit more linear, then why are you criticizing PS Audio…?
I do miss you Mike when you are not around. I appreciate someone else pointing out the obvious.