New Forum - Tips and Tricks, Problems?

The site will automatically downsize large images off of the web.

One can easily modify pictures uploaded from your own system by editing the dimensions; e.g., change 300x400 to 150x200.

I have not played with small images to see if they get larger.

Upload a few images and see what happens! Guinea Pig! Guinea Pig! Guinea Pig!

This is the perfect thread for experimenting.



Two images linked in from the internet. Saves having to actually upload the full image onto the site. The top one is basically 300x300 and the bottom one is 640x640. No auto sizing took place and there wasn’t a choice to scale the picture size. The only way to do it is to actually download the image to your device, scale the image with a photo editor and then upload the actual image to the web site.

The Hoffman site, clearly a bigger site, stopped allowing actual uploads. Only image links are allowed to save space on the site.

Scaling an imagine on an iDevice is even more complicated. You have to download or take a screen shot of the image, then crop the image to a reasonable scale (if big), then upload the actual image to the site.

Anyone else’s private messages MIA?

Are we likely to get the rest of the posts from the old forum? Several threads were truncated early (and have been reported.) One in particular is the “Getting Oppo DSD Output to the Direct Stream Dac” thread which is missing around 20 or 25 posts.

The only resizing of which I am aware id the site will automatically downsize large images off of the web. 640 x 640 is not large enough to require downsizing. There is no option to resize.

If you want to resize, you need to save the picture locally and resize it after uploading it into the edit window. (e.g., change 300x400 to 150x200 to cut the image down by 50%). Easy to do, but a bother. This will work the same with an iThing as one changes the dimensions in the edit window. There is no reason to resize prior to uploading.

As a practical matter, both of the images you posted work perfectly fine and I would not bother to edit the size. Just post the images as you find them.

The programmer’s working on it now. Hopefully we can. I’ll make a note to him about this specific thread.

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Here’s an example of a larger image (2560x1600).

Thanks, Kevin. It looks perfect. Clicking on it brings up an even larger image.

I uploaded the same image from my computer directly. The forum similarly automatically downsizes it to fit:

All sounds good. Thanks for looking at this. So 640x640 will be acceptable for most graphic inputs. Seems big to me (always resized to 300x300) but okay.

Just an interesting aside, it looks like all my old posts (image links) scaled to the new site at 300x300.

Elk, can you do me a huge fave, and get my forum name changed back to “JeffofArabica”? Merci d’avance!

User name fixed.

Sorry about that. Please let me know if I can be of further help.

Just a head’s up: the new Ohms Law podcast link is not part of the top menu when one is on the forum. The Community dropdown does not have Ohms Law. This link was added to the PS Audio homepage. FYI :):smiley:

Good catch! Thanks.

When clicking to browse new or unread threads while on an iPhone the names of the threads get crushed. image.

Does this happen to anyone else?

I haven’t notice that yet but do know I don’t like the forum on my iPhone 6s. I do love it on my iPad mini and full desktop computers. I’ve, so far, just accepted the compromise and haven’t looked at the web site my on my phone much yet. I do when I travel.

Maybe the web masters can look at the iPhone layout?

Landscape mode on the iPhone is fine/normal, only portrait mode squashes the topic headers.

I will say that I absolutely LOVE that this software saves your post so that you can break up a post over multiple sessions and/or devices without worrying about losing your work. I’ve lost some pretty long posts over at AVSForum and it’s pretty depressing to try to write it again with the same level of detail.

Most of us experienced losing a partially finished detailed post on the old forum, very depressing.

Yes, something we’ve all experienced. The more I use this new forum the more I am convinced it was the right move. Especially the search functionality. Wow. It just finds what you’re looking for. Never worked on the old one.

Is there anyone who doesn’t think this is better?

Thanks for this. I will let the developers know and we can get it fixed.