New PS Audio speakers?

The problem is that whereas PS Audio will be very familiar to the USA market, a distributor outside of the USA will have to pass on substantial marketing costs for probably low volume sales as well as the substantial additional shipping and taxes.

Thanks. Much appreciated. Yes, I believe that whatever we come up with Arnie would have been into it feet first with sleeves rolled up. He loved to innovate, to follow wherever the path led him to. He, like me, find that the most stimulating part of design,
uncovering the great unknown and really creating something new that serves the purpose you wanted.

As to the comments, they’re fine. I actually enjoy the back and forth with people and the super negative ones are equally important to me as the very positive comments. It really helps gauge people’s feelings and fears which are all important.
I do consider this our HiFi Family in the truest sense of the term. So, when “Uncle John” starts in with his off the charts political rants at the dinner table, eyes roll but for those that listen, there’s much to be learned.


Indeed the vast majority of the industry does not put up with customers who provide honest feedback. They find it nonsense and avoid as much customer contact as possible. For example, Linn used to have a forum, they closed it from their WEB site.
That indeed is not PS Audio, they read they listen and are as honestly answering back that nothing is going to change for the better for European price levels. That is OK too because some of their equipment sounds so good that perhaps even with their high EU prices there might not be much out there that is competitive, … yet.


As a user of Air Motion Transformer tweeters I know how great, detailed, dynamic and open fast moving tweeters can sound. Therefor I am looking forward to the PS Audio Speakers with a fast tweeter as well as a fast moving midrange.

However, all pictures so far of the AN3 and the other models, seems like the shape of the speakers are preventing usage of high end audios biggest speaker upgrades, Entreq Vibbeaters (absorbing vibration on top) and Isoacoustic Gaia or Townshend Audio seismic podiums (isolating speakers from floor).

The concept of fast moving tweeters and midrange really bennefit from floor isolation and box vibration absorbtion on top… really makes speakers sing like twice the price.

Q: Why not equip the new speakers with something like the Vibbeaters or isolation feets from start? I think not having a flat top where Vibbeaters can be places will really lower the performance possible (if used with Vibbeaters).

How much weight would you consider sufficient to add on top of the speakers in order to absorb enough vibration that it would become of audible significance? And certainly you would need to firmly affix it, any unsecured joint will rather cause more resonances than absorb vibrations. As far as seismic dampers, the last pictures of the AN3 in this thread showed feet, I assume (hope) that those are affixed by threaded inlets in the bottom of the speakers and can be replaced.

1 ) Vibbeaters
Entreq suggests different sizes for different speaker weights. I have made tests and have come to the conclution att the bigger the size the better the performance. As the Vibbeaters are not that expensive my recommendation is to go for the biggest size that can fit on top of your speakers. That will in most cases be the 6,5 kg Vibbeater even if Entreq suggests maybe a 2,5 kg Vibbeater for a 25 kg speaker.

A Vibbeaters is formed as a mouse and their bottom is quite small.
1 kg Vibbeater is only approx 7 cm wide at base, a 2,5 kg Vibbeater is approx 9 cm at base and a 6,5 kg Vibbeater is 12 cm.

  1. I recommend putting a Vibbeater on the DAC and on the mains conditioner/regenerator for sonic improvements. In theory they should also increase amp performance but my tests has shown only small improvements, nog huge improvements.

  2. Regarding AN3 and seismic dampers
    The bottom thread/screws are perfect. However, having a side firing bascone will not work perfectly with seismic dampers even though I would try it out.

Elk, why did you remove my posts? There was nothing that was personal or out of bounds from me.

I removed all posts addressing politics, unfair trade, claimed questionable business practices, asserted objectionable environmental practices, profits over environmental impact, references to Mr. Trump, etc.


I understand what you did, I don’t understand why. I guess opinions are out of bounds.

All opinions on Audio are welcome.

We have long enjoyed a No Politics policy on this board.

If the group of you want to argue about the above topics you can take it to PMs. Or join one or more of the many forums which discuss such things.


Agreed, sorry for my role in getting off topic.

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Thanks Elk, it had really gotten out of hand the last couple of days.


So about these speakers. Sounds like a complete re-do based on Paul’s posts. I saw that frame for the woofer. It looked bigger than 12”. I could be wrong. But holy guacamole.

So to those that never heard the original - I was at axpona and I will say - I think it sounded pretty darn good. Some tweaking here or there. One thing I thought - and I could be wrong - but I felt the drivers could have been more coherent. But you know how it is when you are looking for nits. Anyway - the original was pretty good in that nasty space . Where is this new one headed? Pics?


Love to know WHEN can we see the NEW prototype of the AN3… the waiting game! :frowning:

Well, if you hope to TOUCH, LOOK, and hear them soon, they will be standing in the (wood) flesh making music at RMAF this year.


Question to PSA: What would you say is the minimum acceptable listening distance from the AN3s?

Didn’t you guys get the last newsletter with the video? I made a stills shot. Or no, it was a Paul‘s video here on the homepage I guess.

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Late night last night buttoning up the final speakers for the show. We’ve been so used to tweaking and listening to them with the crossover external to the cabinets that it was a real race at the last moment to put it into the actual cabinet and button it all up.

Here’s a few shots for you to enjoy. I can’t begin to explain how much better these models are than the prototype. For one thing, Chris’ redesign of the midbass couplers, moving to a long throw linear extender type, has made for chest pounding drums on a couple of tracks. Just wicked cool. But, perhaps the biggest difference is in the new coaxial midrange tweeter section. The coherence is remarkable. Better than the IRSV by a country mile.


Thank you Paul for the photos. I wish you all well and have a good time at RMAF.

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Man, this is a serious crossover!

Alone the looks of the coaxial construction is coherent…I don’t doubt it sounds so…then if the sub integrates as well, bingo. I guess with the DSP bass you should have one of the best bass/room integrations in those rooms.

The biggest challenge probably will be to not let the good bass stand out too much, so that music‘s own character remains :wink:

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