Oh Boy, SWAT team in standoff just a few doors down from my house

Helicopters, lots of SWAT guys, lots of nosy neighbors doing the looky-loo thing. Uh, guys, that’s one place you may not want to be if bullets start flying . . . . .

I’m at work, nothing I can do except wait. But it may be a long night.



It is great to have the SWAT guys on our side, but I do not want to meet any of them professionally.

I hope it resolves quickly, and with no injuries or damage.

Yikes. Stay safe Streets.

Elk said Goody.

It is great to have the SWAT guys on our side, but I do not want to meet any of them professionally.

I hope it resolves quickly, and with no injuries or damage.

SWAT:“Quickly” :: “Military Intelligence”: Oxymoron

They may have to wait him out all night. Perhaps longer.


Well, I’m glad you’re not home even if it is a PITA.

No, but my wife is at home. The helicopter is gone now, so maybe it’s just the one guy in the house with 50 SWAT guys outside. Still . . .



Sorry, the perp is not in my house, but the one down the street.

Does seem to be breaking up, though.


Thank goodness! Yikes.

Streets Still Works said SWAT:"Quickly" :: "Military Intelligence": Oxymoron

They may have to wait him out all night. Perhaps longer.


More of a function of political correctness than efficacy.

Knowing a couple of special forces guys, there is no question they could easily address a troublesome civilian hiding out in a domestic home in a matter of minutes.

But there would be those who would be offended. Go figure.

I am delighted to learn it appears things are resolving in your neighborhood.

OK, all clear, they pulled out just before I got home. The perp was in a house just next door to one of the guys who walks his dog every night. Hope he’s OK.

Two big piles of burned flare residue on the street just in front of my house.


I, too, fervently hope he is OK.

And glad you are good as well. :)