P10 maximum output %

I have four power supplies for my phono and preamp and they are using 67% load, 717w and 6.7A as seen on the screen.

First of all they are 350w each for a total of 1400w but only register 717watts. Why?

And the 67% is less than 3/4 of the load, but I see somewhere on this forum it says to operate at 50%.

I have laser temperature the heat sink and there operating at 118f. I don’t mind this, if it normal and I am not overloading the unit.

It sounds extraordinary, open, walk between the images.

Is it normal, that is the question?

thanks for your replies

Welcome, fildor!

Everything sounds normal to me.

The power supplies are likely rated up to 350W each, but they are not being asked to work this hard in your application.

Would I be better off splitting the two with another p10 and 750watts each. Will it sound the same.

I would not get another P10. One can easily handle what you are doing.

My only suggestion is to make sure each power supply is plugged into a separate zone of the P10.

I would agree with Elk if finances permit, but if not, you’re fine.


I have four plus coming out of the power supplies. The H/C I have on the PS10 one power supply has got two and the other has got two. If finances permit as u said would I be better off with one per H/C and two P10. The reliability of these units in years to come would be better, because of less wear and tear so to speak and presumably the sound would be.

Also I have Audio Reasearch 610T. You know the beasts with nineteen 6550 per side and 20 amp fuses and 20 amp lines. Plugging one of these each into one P10,one AR 610T per H/C… could this also work. Spec on units 1000joules 1700w, but I’m not an electrician but I want these to be fed by rejuvenated power. 20 amps with 20 amp line direct and 15amp P10, hummm.

What do you say

fildor said

Also I have Audio Reasearch 610T. You know the beasts with nineteen 6550 per side and 20 amp fuses and 20 amp lines. Plugging one of these each into one P10,one AR 610T per H/C… could this also work. Spec on units 1000joules 1700w, but I’m not an electrician but I want these to be fed by rejuvenated power. 20 amps with 20 amp line direct and 15amp P10, hummm.

Fildor, I’ll chime in about this. I also have ARC 610’s (although they’ve been upgraded by ARC to take the KT120 tubes, so they consume even more power). I’m currently running KT150 tubes in them (with great success btw). I’ve got one dedicated 20A line feeding a separate P10, then going to each amp (one 20A line, one P10 for each channel). I also have another 20A line feeding a P5 that my directstream and preamp are plugged into. The whole setup works great. I’m running about 85% right now on each p10. The units run warm, but that’s what they’re supposed to do. The impact in sound quality is unbelievable. If you have the financial means to get a P10 for each 610, you won’t be disappointed.


If I’m understanding: 1 20amp line is feeding the two AR 610 in one duplex with two PS 10 one in the top one and one in the bottom.

You are not having a problem running at 85%. Does the limit turn orange when you play it loud. I have two 20 amp lines. “A” feeding 1 amp and “B” feeding another. So the PS 10 will do good on each one. Did you see what happens when you run two separate 20 amp lines? Maybe the percentage is lower?

Actually i’m running 1, 20A line per P10, per amp (so two 20A lines, one for each amp). I haven’t tried plugging both p10’s in the same line to see what the percentage is, but it’s absolutely good to go using your two, 20 amp lines in the setup you have. I think you’ll notice that the percentage stays about exactly the same no matter what volume you set it at (most of the current is turning to heat). I think you’d have to run the amps at an enormously high volume to notice any difference in current above the 85% and even then it would be very minimal. I’ve been using this setup now for several months with no problem whatsoever.

Elk said I would not get another P10. One can easily handle what you are doing.

My only suggestion is to make sure each power supply is plugged into a separate zone of the P10.

Right now I have them in h/c zone D and E both duplexes taken. Are you suggesting I split the zones B and C for preamp power supplies and D and E for the phono stage power supplies with top of the duplex only being used?. (The IO phono eclipse has more tubes in it.)

patentpending said Actually i'm running 1, 20A line per P10, per amp (so two 20A lines, one for each amp). I haven't tried plugging both p10's in the same line to see what the percentage is, but it's absolutely good to go using your two, 20 amp lines in the setup you have. I think you'll notice that the percentage stays about exactly the same no matter what volume you set it at (most of the current is turning to heat). I think you'd have to run the amps at an enormously high volume to notice any difference in current above the 85% and even then it would be very minimal. I've been using this setup now for several months with no problem whatsoever.
Elk or Paul:

Do you never have a problem with the breaker on the PS 10 as it is only 15amp. Is has only been once but I have blown a 20 amp ceramic slo blow fuse on the back of one of my Audio Research 610.

I would prefer Elk or Paul have something to say about this: 85% consistent usage and a 15 amp breaker feeding a real 20amp AR 610 with a 20 amp slo blow in the power connection.

Buying two others is one thing operating them safely is what I after…

thanks for your replies

I am not quite clear on your question. Are you worried that the P10, which has only a 15 amp input breaker is not sufficient to power the AR with its 20 amp input breaker? If that is the question then I would not be concerned, because the P10 is more than capable of supplying what you need. I would recommend always using the HC outlets on the P10. These have a slow start circuit that allows the voltage to rise slowly to the amplifier, thus making sure its own circuit breaker will not blow on turn on. But the P10 is safe.

Great, so no worry about driving my AR 610 with two P 10. You didn’t mention the 85% load rating. Also no worry?

For the 4 power supplies, they have a 3 minutes warm up until the tubes are ready to function. So that mean’s I can use zone B,C,D,E,?