You are probably correct. 140 might have been the shipping weight.
Now if they could just get the GAN FET stuff to work as good as Pass we would be all set.
I believe that stereo gear is a lot like high performance engines. There’s no replacement for displacement (or capacitance & power supplies)
It’s probably time to consider stuff like Grimm MU1 with a pair of active speakers
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That Grimm active system including his speakers is on my list of things to consider.
I had some D&D 8c’s for a while but they were still not fully functional yet and I couldn’t get them to sound “right” so I sold them.
I do believe that fully active speakers with DSP and room correction are the way forward (along with the BACCH system).
I see what you did there.
Talk to Jon Ver Halen at Refined Audio, I believe he has some stock.