Please let me know some recommendations on a coax SPDIF cable to go between the PST and my DIY 1702 based DAC.
I cannot afford to go I2C(HDMI) anytime soon, My budget is 1k maybe more for the coax cable
System is Pass Labs amp, Nelson Pass DIY BOZ preamp, Dynaudio Special 25(or Duntech Black Knight) speakers. Sources are powered off a modified P600. Power cords are Statement.
Interconnects and speaker cables are Analysis Plus Silver Apex
Tubulus Concentus or even the model below it the Argentus.
Scroll down to “BAV SPDIF Digital Audio Cable”:
The Blue Jeans Cable is great sounding excellent build 75ohm coaxial digital cable.
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I’m using the BAV. Agree with above.
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Hi, the SoTM coaxial is in your price range and sounds wonderful between the AirLens and DS2.
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