Power Conditioners...My experience

Keep in mind, a dedicated circuit won’t rid the problem of dirty power from the grid. It will curtail cross-pollution from other electrical devices on the same circuit, but even so, power regeneration with the existing wiring could yield better results. P10’s are fine devices and can be had for $2000 if you hold out and keep an eye on the used market.

Meh…I think I’ll stick for direct for a couple years :-]

I’ll be interested in hearing the results, after you install a dedicated circuit. You’ll then be able to compare your system with and without the Dectet, given you have enough outlets installed.

I should start the process Sat. Ill let you know.


“Well South of living outside”

:slight_smile: your wife is not my wife

got my 20 amp direct outlets …very very nice.

I will be selling my Dectet and one AC3 power cable if anyone is interested. Private message me and make an offer.


Good deal. Were you able to hear an improvement in SQ with the new 20 amp direct outlets?

Yes Sir :slight_smile: