Now that the PowerPlay web site has been re-launched, I’ve had a chance to look at the power graph of my P20 and I see something on the graph that I don’t understand. Does anyone have an idea why I see those small spikes in THD out every so often? Is this normal? What could be causing it?
My THD is pretty much smooth, so is the voltage. However, I have temperature question. Temperature plot from my P12 shows it is operating around 45C. The spec says the operating temperature is 0c to 40c.
Should I be worry about my P12 runs at 45c?
Varying THD in incoming power as in your graph is normal. It varies with your and your neighbors’ use of power, especially powering air conditioning compressors, refrigerators, and other sizable motors.
Note also the left hand scale. The overall peak and valley range all falls withing one percent variation.
I have a P12 and a P5 in my system. Powerplay gets the P12 info without problems but when I try to do the same with the P5 all I get is a black screen. They are both connected to my network through the same switch. Any ideas what could be wrong? Thank in advance.
I have a transformer at the front of my drop and solar that is grid connected and my incoming THD is around 3.5 percent. The P 10 brings it down to .1 or .2 and made a big improvement in the sound of my system.
Where are you located. I’m in Southern California, Southwest Riverside County. MY incoming has never steadily been over 2% THD. I had some prior over-voltage problems which I called the Utility about due to the Power Plant readings.
I live in Warwick, New York about 60 miles north west of New York City. My system uses a Fronius inverter. It is 10,000 watt 36 panel 3 array setup. It has been in service 6 years. It is great that your power is so clean.
I was surprised it was as clean as it is. I just clicked 10 years with my Solar PV last month. 32 panel 6.0Kw system. Inverter and panels made by Sunpower. Just finalized last year’s annual billing cycle …they ended up owing me a little bit (under $100). I think the system is paid for at this point…
I finally hooked up a cable to my P12. Stoked to see data in my charts over the last 10-12 hours!
Question: Are there things that users might see in the graphs that should be concerning? I think my P12 is performing admirably, but have been wanting to know how serious I ought to be about major power work.
The wattage will be completely system dependent and there isn’t really an ideal for it. I’m usually siting at about 315-345W. And ideally, the voltage will never veer far away from where you have it set.