PS Audio at CES 2016

I thought I’d mention that yesterday I heard the full PS Audio stack (Powerstation, BHK amps, Directstream, Perfectwave) powering a pair of Rockport Aviors and REL subwoofers in the REL room here at CES (29th floor Venetian), and it was in my view the best sound I have heard here by a significant margin.

Stunning dynamics, immense soundstage, and huge emotional involvement.

Anyone who’s here should make sure to check it out.

Some runners up: VTL+Wilson Sabrinas (bass a little flabby in comparison), Magico+BSC in Bret D’Agostino’s room.

By chance did you listen to the Kii Three, a new spkr by Bruno Putzey of NCore, got several positive comments in Feb TAS ? A Powered spkr with 6-250 w NCores, an innovative design approach apparently.

I did, in the GTT room (Bruno P was there but I didn’t get a chance to chat). I too have heard a lot - mostly positive - about the speakers as well as the pre/amp. I hesitated before replying because my impression was based on an unfamiliar recording and so my comments might not be fair to a worthy system. Nonetheless, while the sound was good I did not find the experience particularly compelling or involving - more high-fi-ish than the intensely musical experiences with the systems I mention above. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, so it may very well be that in different circumstances I would have liked this system more.

BTW I should have mentioned Gamut among the runners up - previously unfamiliar to me, but really great. Lamm plus Kharma was also quite wonderful, but I only heard it with a piano recording, so a limited exposure.

I agree about the Gamut. I’ve heard all of the RS line; I think the RS5 is the pick of the litter. I honestly didn’t think the RS9 (apart from the fact that it could push more air), or the RS7, was as balanced. But as always, room placement and other things could have been factors.

DSD8192 said I thought I'd mention that yesterday I heard the full PS Audio stack (Powerstation, BHK amps, Directstream, Perfectwave) powering a pair of Rockport Aviors and REL subwoofers in the REL room here at CES (29th floor Venetian), and it was in my view the best sound I have heard here by a significant margin.

Stunning dynamics, immense soundstage, and huge emotional involvement.

Anyone who’s here should make sure to check it out.

Some runners up: VTL+Wilson Sabrinas (bass a little flabby in comparison), Magico+BSC in Bret D’Agostino’s room.

This was in the REL room and indeed,sounded very good.