During the Dutch Audio Event of 5 & 6 Oktober 2024 at the Koningshof in Veldhoven I visited the PS audio stand which this year had a more affordable setup consisting of some of the Stellar Series components assisted by the AirLens to supply the music data from the JRiver music server.
The whole system was supplied with clean power by a PowerPlant 15 (A certainly necessary measure especially in a hotel with more than hundred exhibitors all distorting the sparce energy supply with extra noise)
The speakers that where playing at the time of my visit where the Aspen FR10.
I must say the demo was more than exciting. Although this was by no means an exorbitant setup (rather the opposite one of the more affordable one’s).
The sound was detailed and relaxed with a fantastic soundstage (not an easy task to achieve in a hotel room). I must admit that this year there were some rooms with equivalent sound quality such as the YG Acoustics Hailey 3 or the Wilson Audio - Sasha V but those setups where at an order of magnitude (that is 10 times) as expensive as the PS audio setup.
Although it is always a you to experience the sound of a cost now object setup such as the PS audio setup last year with a top of the line Perfect wave setup and the FR 30 but demonstrating a setup normal people can actually afford to buy is of course a more meaningful purpose.
Much thank to the crew of Aspera Audio for this more than enjoyable experience.
Any thoughts on comparisons in sound quality between the FR10 and FR5?
No sadly at the time I was there the demo set was on the FR10 which sounded much bigger than their size and than expected
Thank you for the sharing this. It sounds like the set up sounded very good.
My issue is that I continue to be troubled by the sight of old/older men. Any endeavor requires younger minds coming into the picture. This image that you graciously shared does not bode well for the future of this hobby.
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