At first I thought there was a sonic improvement using Roon but after going back and forth many times I no longer feel that it is. And really why should there be ?
Anyway, I’m just an old boomer that likes things simple. Roon to me is just not worth it.
From a sound perspective as long as whatever you are using is sending bit perfect data there should not be much sound difference. Most users like Roon for its user interface. I think for many what ends up being simple to use is what you are familiar with.
My brother loves JRiver and I have to admit it sounds as good as Roon but I just don’t like the usability. I’ve grown to love Roon and it’s simple for me to use. You are right though it’s not cheap and if you like using what you have that may be the better option.
Not really. Things that are out of my control are taking some time. Most all of the work I needed to do for my current project is done and the software changes for a possible fix for the BDP are next.
I comment you for the persistence, and even more so for Ted’s consideration to address this issue (may or may not be caused by DSD) that only you have or cared to raise. Alright, I am totally being PC here.
So I have to be careful not to upset Ted or Paul? Why?
I am really tired of all the BS. This has been going on for years now. I will never buy another PS product again… If that matters?
Ted stop working on it, you are not doing me any favors.
I just thought PS Audio would want their Dac to be compatible with other equipment manufactures.
You are blaming the wrong party! The Directstream DAC works with every other manufacturers transport out there and it even worked with yours until Bryston made a change!
You are just plain wrong!
Bryston did not make a change and still adheres to the standard specs. It is PS Audio (Ted) who is altering the code. Do you own PS stock?
We have been through this numerous times. The PS Audio DAC is within spec and is not “altering the code.”
Other DACs use off the shelf receiver chips. As Ted has noted, it may be these chips are more willing to accept signals out of spec. That is, other DACs may be comfortable with the Bryston’s signal but the DSD - while adhering to spec - is not.
This is consistent with what Bryston told you years ago:
“We’ve looked at it and it appears the ps audio dac doesn’t like the wave form produced by the IAD [the new Brston card]. Placing a probe across an xlr data pair causes the signal edge slope enough that the signal comes through much clearer, but still not perfect. Likely this issue won’t be resolved and that the IAD should be returned and refunded.”
We all appreciate you are unhappy. But following Bryston’s advice of four plus years ago would have resolved your problem of not being able to play 24/192 PCM via the Bryston’s XLR/coax outputs.
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if Bryston’s current offering, the BDP-3, interface with the DSD and play 24/192 PCM via the Bryston’s XLR/coax outputs?
No I don’t t own PS
Audio Stock. I just am a satisfied customer who doesn’t think it is ok for someone to bad mouth them because they choose to use another manufactures transport with their DAC and cop
an attitude when the designer is willing to spend his valuable time working on your application specific issue. Because he has not resolved the issue fast enough for you.