PS Audio Direct Stream with the Bryston BDP-2

Given you were initially in discussion with the OP about Roon it is relevant. But let’s stop discussing Roon unless the OP asks something specific which would help him out.

Yes thank you all for the helpful info about Roon. I have stored that info for future use.

I think tomorrow or Monday I am to receive the PS Audio Bridge 2. I would just like to have some way to evaluate the sound quality during the PS trial period. As I have stated unfortunately I only have a laptop pc to use.

Is there no other way to use the Bridge 2 without paying for Roon during the trial?


Connect the Bridge II to the internet, download the appropriate MControl app for your control device and you’re good to go. Same process you used with the Bryston.

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Thanks except MControl is for a I pad based device not a pc.


Do you not own an Apple or Android tablet or phone?

I have a phone but I have very bad vision and would not be able to make it function for this use. My laptop is about 18" diagonal and I still need to increase the font size.


I’ve never operated a streamer using a PC based app so somebody that has needs to step in. There has to be something other than Roon out there.

Give PSA customer service a call. I am confident someone over there can put you in touch with a person that can make suitable suggestions for your Bridge try out.

Have fun.

I think you can get JRiver or Roon for a 30 day free trial.

It looks like Roon only offers a 15 day trial. I hope it doesn’t take me that long to set it up! LOL.


Roon has a large community that’s good at supporting newbie’s. It’s fairly intuitive.

So I was able to try the PS Audio Bridge 2 with the Roon app.
The PS bridge 2 would not see my hard drive/ modem. To get it to work I had to plug the hard drive into my Laptop. This was a deal breaker for me. But I do appreciate the trial.

So, I’m back to square one. I am also surprised how crappy Roon did not find all my music on my hard drive.


The bridge isn’t designed to see your hard drive. It needs to be on a networked device for a ROON core to find it.

Ozzy, Roon usually takes several hours to create it’s library from your music depending on how big your collection is. In your case the core or your laptop must be left on until it’s finished the job. If you turned off your laptop then the operation stops and you will only see as much music as was able to be cataloged.

Thank for the comments. It actually took almost a day for Roon to find my files, but I don’t like having the hard drive attached to the laptop.
I also tried Roon with the Bryston BDP-2 with the hard drive plugged into the Bryston. Roon had trouble finding one of my main files of individual song favorites. When it did it treated each song as a separate album. Leaving me unable to just play those songs randomly.


Strange issues you are having. Roon seamlessly arranged my TB of local music with Tidal and Qobuz within a couple hours.
I’m not sure Roon is the issue.



I’m thinking of starting over and load first those separate songs. I wonder if those songs (about 350) should be placed in a album name/file instead of listed on my hard drive as a file of my favorite songs.


Most of my library was on JRiver Media center.

In my experience, the key to Roon is identifying where all of your music is stored when you set it up. (If I recall the process correctly and I am not confusing it with JRiver Media Center, which I also use to curate and play my digital files.)

Have you had a chance to spend some time here (could be helpful)?: Roon FAQs

The “Common Troubleshooting” section may be of particular interest to you.

Good luck.