PS Audio Forum Web Site Suggestions

That’s what’s been driving me nuts! I’ve been scrolling around looking for the subject a lot recently, forgetting that I didn’t used to have to.


I can’t even recall how it was displayed exactly, until I realized I now either have to tap the URL to reveal the full URL name, or have to scroll to the top of the thread. Or back out to the general Forum and guess where I was :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That’s what I’ve been saying.

Sorry - was unaware this thread was happening.

There are at least two misplaced posts in this thread probably because of the thread title being obscured.

It’s helpful for the web developer for people to state what they are using to access the site, i.e. iPad, iPhone, Windows PC, Mac, etc.

i see this on iphone -

And this on iPad

All seems to work perfectly.

Saved from Safari to the desktop, then it opens separately from safari in its own “app”.
All then works perfectly (haven’t noticed any change), maybe I should try it in safari itself (though surely this “separate” app is just an instance of safari in the background?)

In safari itself it does indeed scroll the subject away, how silly.

I’m intrigued as to why it still works fine in the separate window though, I’m assuming it is not because I am logged in.

We’re an odd species—we love change, but change things around us without our involvement/permission and we freak out! We so deserve our geek/nerd/phile/nut label!


Enthusiasts of all types tend to be exceedingly conservative.


Another glitch seems to be the link to the “Ask Paul” videos. 75% of the time when I click on that link I’m taken to “Ohm’s Law” podcasts instead.

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Yeah—and I’ve tried before and after my morning coffee—same results!


Another issue if no one has reported it yet, is Product Registration.
The page is white blank and says only “Your Registered Products” on top. Is it broken, or is it only me?

Same here

Hah! I never noticed the upside down book. That was a good catch.

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Could it be that you were standing on your head ? Special balance training perhaps? :innocent:

davida - Just noticed that your handle reminds me of the title of the Iron Butterfly classic. So I will now be unable to think of it pronounced any other way than as in “inna-gadda-…”

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Just that the 2 are not interchangeable…

But I am Beloved of my Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ…who bled and died for me…

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Congratulations, very tasteful, beautiful presentation of the company, their philosophy and their products ans services.

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