I put a bunch of files on a USB stick and used it on repeat to break in my DS MK2. Now that the DAC has 500 hours on it, I started doing some serious listening. I listened to a few tracks on disc that I also happened to put on the USB stick. If anything, the files played from the USB sounded a bit better. Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe lack of noise and vibration from the spinning motor and platter?
If both USB input and the disc tray had over a couple of hundred hours of playing, they should sound the same. At least that was from my experience.
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USB has lots of hours; I’d say at least 400. The disc has many fewer on it. I haven’t really kept track, probably between 100 and 200. I will keep listening as I get more hours on the disc tray. In any case, the sound is close between the two.
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