Quote of the Day

“It’s good to be the king”
King Loueeee (Mel Brooks)

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Twitter is not a random sample of literate humanity.
Steven Pinker

My favorite quote, not first uttered, but first heard by me, of 2021


“All tribal myths are true, for a given value of ‘true’’

  • Terry Pratchett
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“Poorly done digital is dissonant to the human physiology because of the nature of the distortion.” - Frank Malitz of Carver

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I put my symptoms into WebMD and it turns out I’m just old.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Analog compared with digital

A post was merged into an existing topic: Analog compared with Digital

An amusing observation.

But also true; we treat many of the inherent characteristics of aging as diseases which need be treated.

Without music, life would be a mistake.

  • Nietzsche

“Nobody ever says, ‘I’ve heard enough songs. Don’t play me another one.’ There’s always room for another song.” - Tom Waits



“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

  • Frederick Douglass

“If Mr. McMurphy doesn’t want to take his medication orally, I’m sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way.”
Nurse Ratched


Enjoyable show. Great cast.

“Let’s face it, I sit on the toilet seat, and so do you. The only problem is, somebody took my picture when I was there.”

Frank Zappa

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Heard on a local radio station this morning “Its now been 69 hours since the inauguration without a report of a single journalist being insulted”

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Or a actual probing serious question being asked other than “what color are you going to change the drapes to in Air Force One”…


It’s like the whole country (or maybe the whole planet) got a big shot of Ahhhhhh all at the same time.
No news is good news.
Now we can all collectively get back to work on the task at hand.


“Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


Two quotes today:

“I wasn’t too worried about what people thought, people would get to understand, gradually, I said to myself. After all, everybody knew I was ‘on the road to find out.” - Yusuf Islam

“You know its a mysterious thing about how music is so powerful. I believe its something to do with the longing that human beings have for unification with something higher and more harmonious than their existence and their mundane lives. Wanting to grasp that somehow becomes possible through the vehicle of music”

Yusuf Islam - Harold and Maude interview

“I wonder why progress looks so much like destruction.”
John Steinbeck -“Travels With Charlie”
(If you haven’t read it, buy two copies, in case you lose one)