Roon Variable or Fixed Audio?

Don’t borrow trouble!

I don’t think I hear any difference either, and with my integrated in a closet, the Roon app is the best way to control volume.

I do know that for the zones with Chromecast audio, when device volume is used, the “quality” dot (or star) changes from lossless to “high” (purple star to green dot) at anything less than 100% volume. It goes back to purple at 100% volume.

But for other zones, if device volume is used, the dot doesn’t change. if it’s a blue star, it stays blue.

So, maybe that’s a clue to something.

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Interesting, where is this colored Quality Dot? Is this the Roon controller screen or on the Chromecast unit?

Thanks for trying. I don’t have decent headphones and no experience there.

Unfortunately for me I still hear difference. I will try on another system I have with a different Roon End Point.

The switches between modes was still present for me on my main system last night.

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on the main roon screen, and on the “signal path” window.

here’s a chromecast with the volume at less than 100%. (Attenuating.)

And here it is at full volume. (Passthrough.)

But for my Raspberry Pi using HQPlayer, it’s “Enhanced” (or blue star) regardless whether it’s fixed or device volume.

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I noticed that my DSP processor settings fo Library were set to throttled. Not sure if related to why my sound letting Roon control versus fixed would be worse than fixed.

Hmmm… Not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

What type of computer are you hosting your Core?

I have a Nucleus Plus. Mostly because I wanted the Control4 integration.

I have SGC SonicTransporter i5. I remember when I set it up I was thinking slower less cores would be less noise. Same with fixed sound output.


Very interesting indeed! Thank you @Vmax for flagging this one.

Thanks also @vkennedy61 for showing how to make it happen.

Have been enjoying (what I perceive to be) a bit more body in the music, having switched to fixed, from the previous device setting (which was at 50 but then controlled by the DS and BHK). “Device” was / is the default setting for the Bridge II and Roon which seems to be robbing the Bridge II of some goodness.