Schnerzinger Grid Protector EMI Allocator and other things

Great Andreas, ah ah ah!

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That’s a good one! Luca’s true identity maybe revealed :man_zombie:


I’m thinking y’all have not gone far enough down the rabbit hole, yet . . . . try this stuff, put it on the walls, ceiling and floor (using pure Cardas copper staples) of your listening /equipment room and sit down to be amazed . . .


There are also conductive EMI paints. Fabrics for curtains, special wallpapers and window films. I think I should renovate my room for optimal enjoyment. Ultimately, I only have to eliminate the problems that my system causes with the small boxes.

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One layer in the listening room, and to be sure another layer around the entire house!


If I have bunny, I will get this.


I’ve raised mine up, on your recommendation.
I’ve added a box, about 5 inches tall on top of my center channel speaker.
(Not sure if the GP would have an effect on the speaker, or vice versa?)
So footers on top of the box and GP on top off the footers again.
Height of the ground would be about one meter or slightly more.
I’ve a couple of films to watch tonight so I might not get to any music but I’ll post an update after a couple of days.


Might as well give us a link to these stands, Luca.

I am sure more than one of us might have a use for these. I promise not to impugn your audiophile status if they are not unnecessarily expensive.


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Raising my Grid Protector per your suggestion ruined audio for me forever. My bank account thanks you profusely.


That second stand looks interesting. I have been looking for something like that for my side surround speakers, which are (embarrassingly enough) currently sitting on some fold up “TV Tables”.

I wonder if I can get something like 'em that are tall enough.


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Please don’t send me a legal notice from your lawyer, 7 lives wouldn’t be enough for me to repay a fraction of such damage!

I owned those stands earlier in life. They are not substantial enough for anything but very small speakers. I believe if you had them they would topple over with the slightest nudge.


The Pronomic’s or the other stands?

The Dralls. Look at the size of the base.

Yeah, not interested in the Dralls.

Don’t you think it will be safer to mount these mini-borg cubes on the new wall? It is a bit blend looking. Or hang a cartoon like this in the middle:

No? A bit too much?


I will discuss this with my wife for sure, she is constantly looking for confirmation of my mental decline since I started this hobby… I want to make it easier for her!


The Pronomic’s are apparently not available in the U.S.

Looking forward to seeing how they work out for you @luca.pelliccioli

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I ordered both just to try out the Protectors at different heights, I don’t think they’ll be around for long…

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