My PowerZone offers two four socket circuits. I had the Grid Protector sharing the same 4 socket circuit as the Gryphon Apex. A few moments ago I changed that. Now the Grid Protector is NOT on the same circuit as the amp. It is still sitting on top of the amp. No hum. I may try raising the Grid Protector again but not now. No. Been there, done that.
System sounds amazing right now. Whew!!!
(Turns out I don’t like cartoons that much so it’s back to audio for me)
I took measurements with the ghostbusters meter close to the GP, all values are zero, no electrical magnetic or radio interferences at all (unlike the EMI that shows electrical high values - don’t ask me why).
The wire connected to the SMPS on the other hand shows (like the Dream 20-20) significant electrical values within a few inches around it, 5-10 centimeters.
Yes, the SMPS is loud, my clock radio also seems to be emitting interference. I have to pick out a new alarm clock with the ghost hunter at the store. My switch doesn’t show any interference fields. The WLAN router is sending interference fields and I will banish this and lay fiber optic cables. It should arrive tomorrow. The absorber sheet that Vmaxx recommends also helps to reduce interference fields. My Eplugs plugs, which are filled with minerals, also reduce interference fields. The ghost hunter helps track down jamming devices. Thanks Luca, it allows me to detect and remove glitches or buy new things with less glitches.
I unplugged and disconnected the smps. I don’t think that was it. I think it was a combination of the distance between the amp and the GP, combined with them both being on the same circuit. You only have one circuit on your PowerZone so you can’t test it until January when you upgrade your PowerZone.
My amplifiers also hum from time to time. I don’t know if someone in the neighborhood is using an annoying device or if there is something wrong with the voltage and DC components in the network are increased. Farad said that cheap transformers would hum and that’s why they used high quality transformers in the Super 10 LPS. My Farad Super 10 is dead quiet, and it’s just my mono power amplifiers that hum every now and then. Maybe a DC filter will help. I have to see which one is suitable.
I can probably get a Schnerzinger EMI Protector in mid-January. I was told again today that the SMPS is usually not necessary. The grid should be briefly charged with the power supply once a year and the EMI every 2-3 months. All switches on level 2 would normally not make sense either. If this is the case, something else is stopping the devices from functioning. Minerals or other suppressors in the system could be the cause. I didn’t mention that I use some of these.