Welcome to the forum. Greetings Andreas
He meant the power cable.
It appears to be for the supply of LPS.
Thanks Andreas!
Welcome to the Forum Franco, you already know @Stier2704 @aangen and @vkennedy61
I haven’t tried the power cord for amp yet.
I’m pretty sure these cables work at their best together with the Allocator and/or vice versa probably.
Therefore I’m going to try the power cord with my Innuos Statement as soon as possible, still part of the sources on my side wall rack plugged into the Allocator. One step a time…
I mean: the 2 power cords I’m testing from Schnerzinger are powering now 2 Hybrid Power Supplies from Network Acoustic used with Tempus switch and router. I’m comparing Schnerzinger vs STEALTH Dream V18 power cords.
After a few A/B testing I’m perplexed…
There is certainly a synergy between Schnerzinger cords and Allocator that brings improvements in bass, as above mentioned.
This comes at the expense of a different musical representation of mids, though; voices in particular seem loosing that beautiful realism I was familiar with. Air around instruments, reverberations from the venue, that sense of vibrant tension that makes me feel the performance so lifelike… all that magic is… well… reduced or simply painted in a different color. Less vivid, more polite.
Need more time…
If I change something in the power distribution (power cables etc.), it usually takes a few days for me to calm down again.
And each time i hear the sharp icy sound in the begining.
It is not plug and play (on that level).
Thanks Luca!
Give the GP switches a try.
@luca.pelliccioli why do you keep draining my bank account? Every time I come across a topic from you my balance goes down…
He is positively evil, that Luca!
I have good teachers around here!
You entice far too many people to buy expensive things!!!
I’m just returning the favor received, my mentor!
So Luca, I haven’t made new filters for my BACCH system since adding the Schnerzinger Grid Protector. Today C214s arrived so I had to make new filters. These new filters are very different from the four others I made. These are pretty smooth looking. Like issues have disappeared. And it sounds really different in a great way.
I keep forgetting you choose to ignore the best opportunity in audio, BACCH. It blows all those other things combined, away. Far away. Happily forgotten.
What were we talking about?
You entice far too many people to buy expensive things!!!
Oh that old wives tale.
After a few days and tests with Schnerzinger power cords the verdict is… I stay with my STEALTHs.
I simply like them more.
Great news!
Happy to report that, after moving the Stein Harmonizers out of the room, my headache has now disappeared!
I have kept the two Schumann resonators as in my system they are completely neutral.
I have now added four Multiguards and the EMI and my system has never sounded so good!
As much as I now want to test the cables… More to come…