Luca is the brand ambassador so he will test all their new stuff😆
Any idea in what area/topic?
Luca, my friend, I thought I would read a few more impressions of your Schnerzinger Multigard in conjunction with GP, EMI and the Allucator power strip. Maybe impressions compared to the Powerzone?
I’ve seen that Vortex has similar solutions at first glance. After speaking with Vortex, I was told that either/or… Schnerzinger and Vortex take different paths and would not produce good results together in one system. I was told something similar by Schnerzinger. It’s a shame if that’s the case; the Vortex HFO sigma technique also seems interesting.
Greetings Andreas
Hi Andreas, don’t know Vortex sorry but I’m really liking Schnerzinger devices. The more I listen, the greater I enjoy music.
There is an obvious synergy between Grid, EMI, Allocator and Multi Guards like many pieces of a whole bigger picture you discover step by step.
To be honest I spent the last few weeks listening to music, without thinking about upgrades, tweaking or anything else. Just the pleasure… that comes from music.
I’m glad to hear that you can now enjoy it. You’ve already done a lot and there’s not much you can improve on.
I almost thought something like that since you were less active in the forum. I took your advice and upgraded the most important component in my system first. Instead of the Cambridge Edge NQ I now have the Marantz Link 10n. Since this has an open USB-B input to the DAC, I thought of closing it with a terminator; That’s when I came across the Vortex USB Sigma. This is similar in appearance, with the small antenna, to the Schnerzinger solution. I have already closed all other open inputs and outputs with caps, tourmaline plugs, 75 ohm plugs or Furutech Clear Line. I’m still looking for a solution for the USB-B input. If necessary, I stick a piece of HF-EMI absorber film over it. I was just wondering what impressions you have now after a few weeks with your Multigard and EMI. Greetings, Andreas
Congrats for your last purchases, hope they can make you enjoy for years.
The Allocator and Multi Guards I’m using are demo units, I’m so happy that I decided to buy them. Not the Cable Protector, that seems to produce a subtle or irrelevant effect in my system.
I think it’s mandatory in general and even more so when we consider these kind of devices to have an extended trial period at home. The Italian importer, Aldo Zaninello (who is also a well known loudspeaker designer) is a nice guy to deal with and a skilled industry expert more than a simple seller. That helps a lot.
Thank you, I am very happy with the Marantz Link 10n so far. I would be interested if you find time to report something about the effects of the Multigard. Does this support and noticeably increase the effect of the Grid Protector? Then the EMI Protector… Schnerzinger also has the component protectors. I had looked at the Vortex Sigma for components and also their space protectors, similar to the Multigard. But according to Vortex and Schnerzinger, you shouldn’t mix and stick with one brand.
Have you tried the AudioQuest Noise plugs?
Long story short, Andreas… GRID and EMI together have brought the biggest improvement as already described in my posts above.
They seem to enhance the qualities already shown by the PZ, the realism of the musical reproduction is stunning along with a more relaxed, controlled and effortless sense of ease bla bla bla… Let me just say, I’m IN the music emotionally.
The Allocatoer simply brought another leap forward, giving a further more positive vibe to that sense of quietness and peace. The low frequencies were greatly enhanced in clarity and authority (more chest effect).
Last, in order of impact on my experience, the Multi Guards have added a better equilibrium and balance around the room - not referring to soundstage width but something related to the flow of the music in the space around the listening position, a sort of transparency and calmness in the air well distributed around the room.
I have had many Vortex products, including the HFO, in my room. Vortex also uses information applications that attenuate high-frequency interference fields so that they are no longer perceived as so disturbing. This works very well to a certain extent. By purchasing the Power Zone, the level of my system has increased significantly. The damping effects of the Vortex products, which were previously perceived as positive, were then limited.
To a certain extent, I can highly recommend the Vortex products. Just like the Power Zone, they bring a very nice emotional expression to the music.
Because of the very positive experiences in this thread with the Schnerzinger Grid in combination with the Power Zone, I have borrowed the Schnerzinger Grid, the EMI room cleaner and the Piccolos for the weekend for testing.
I am curious and will report back…
Did you use either PZ or Allocator or how was your testing setup?
I use the PZ feeding amp and DAC and Digital Director on the front wall, with Grid plugged into the PZ itself.
On the side wall I use the Allocator feeding the sources.
I have also received 2 power cords today from the Scherzinger importer that I’m going to test during the weekend, plugged into the Allocator.
I really really hope they don’t make any difference, I really really hope!
Which power cords are these?
I finally had some time to listen to my overhauled system: the allocator and GP replaced a P5, BHK600 replaced BHK300, Blue Sky replaced Massive. Music is awesome. If it wouldn‘t be for the „noise“ from the basement, the family wouldn’t know I‘m still around✌️
As opposed to some others on this thread, I arrived in the setting l / I / II for the GP (looking at its back). I‘m pretty confident that most of the new magic comes from the GP, since when I put the middle switch to 0, it‘s gone again. Maybe I should contact a psychiatrist…
FEAR! Oh my goodness!!!
You’ve come at the right time. Since I also use a Schnerzinger Grid Protector and I am thinking about a solution for my open USB-B DAC input. I had the Vortex USB HLO Sigma in mind. However, I have heard from various quarters that Schnerzinger and Vortex products do not harmonize well and that their type of interference suppression can overlap or even hinder each other. Luca’s cable comparison will also be exciting. I look forward to your impressions.
I’m experimenting…
Schnerzinger has ESSENTIAL LINE and RESOLUTION LINE (not to mention a third line INDIVIDUAL made on request customer by customer, component by component - way expensive!).
I’m trying the RESOLUTION one.
We have 5 different levels in RESOLUTION LINE:
I’m trying RESOLUTION TWO and RESOLUTION TWO HC. HC stands for High Current but not like with Dragons… it means a superior level of materials and design to be used to feed amps and also digital components with switching mode power supplies.
First impressions: compared to STEALTH Dream 20-20 and Cloude Grande, that are all plugged into my PowerZone… I immediately thought that STEALTH reigns supreme, now and forever, period.
Things are different when it comes to:
- compare them with Dream V18 UNI and Digital
- plug them into the Allocator [there is an evident synergy here]
I found that the best results are achieved when Scherzy power cords are feeding my Network Acoustics PSUs (one for the Tempus switch and the other for the router). They really sound NICE.
All the beauty and realism are intact but the new power cords are able to bring accuracy, speed and intelligibility in low areas. In a manner that create spatially consistency, impactful engagement and tonal balance accuracy. A sort of equilibrium and clarity really really amazing.
Long story short: cleaner and improved bass is easily audible and the difference is not subtle! I’m liking what I’m hearing, a lot!
What impress me more is that we are talking about 2 banal PSUs, not a component! Surprisingly improvement…
You’re scaring us, Luka. The last time I spoke to Mr. Klocke and mentioned that I now have the Furutech Project V1 power cable and am excited about it, he told me that I appreciate good offers. He said I should, like you now, borrow the little cable series and compare. If I like these better, I could sell the V1 cables and save money. And if I like it, I’ll try his biggest cable series. Since it’s an interlocking system, I should of course try the Allucator instead of my Furutech Vault power strip. I was able to experience on site that the complete Schnerzinger treatment delivers impressive results. The ability to speed up the signals with the finest details made it sound very lifelike.
Together with the Allucator, the Schnerzinger power cables are intended to create a barrier so that no interference can flow back from the components. Maybe this will help, especially with digital components that can cause interference.
Luca … your last post is a bit confusing?
You’re mentioning Schnerzinger power cords and then talking about PSU’s, which I assume is Power Supply Units?
Can you clarify please?
Luca, have you tried the S power cables on your amp as well? Thanks. F.