Glad you were able to rule out the possible cause of your headaches and that you like your upgrade. Greetings Andreas
Hello Luca and Andreas!
I have now been using the Schnerzinger Grid power cleaner on my Gryphon Power Zone for a week and I am thrilled. I couldn’t have expected the more naturalness, bass precision and bass depth, dynamics and realism that this device conjures up from my system despite the Power Zone.
The increase in the authenticity of the reproduction is incredible.
Many thanks for the tip, Luca, Andreas…
This weekend I’m testing the EMI, the Piccolos and cables from Schnerzinger. I’m excited but also a bit anxious! I’m currently using Gryphon and Stealth cables and am very satisfied. I don’t hope that the Schnerzinger cables will play even better in my system, you give me hope Luca, like you I have just invested a small fortune in the Stealth cables. I will report back.
Glad to know you like the GRID, I think you’ll love the EMI which I consider its perfect mate.
As for Schnerzinger cables I tested the Resolution 2 and Resolution 2 HC, what are you going to try?
Great news!
Happy to report that, after moving the Stein Harmonizers out of the room, my headache has now disappeared!
I have kept the two Schumann resonators as in my system they are completely neutral.
I have now added four Multiguards and the EMI and my system has never sounded so good!
I have also tried a power cable Resolution 5 on my D’Agostino Momentum Phono and the record sounded like another much bigger orchestra was playing so that cable replaced my Transparent Audio Opus!
I now want to test some other power cables in other parts of my system … More to come…
Are Resolution 3 the other cables you are going to test?
Keep us informed, I’m curious about your thoughts. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I had the chance to test only Resolution 2 and 2 HC.
Hello Frankie,
I am pleased that your headaches have disappeared after removing the Stein harmonizers. I already thought so.
On this occasion, the part of my Quantum or information clarification planned for later follows:
The dangers of Quantum products in the hi-fi business:
Stein Harmonizer, like many manufacturers in the hi-fi sector, use Quantum or Information applications for their products. These Quantum or Information applications are based on energetic oscillating fields which they emit into the environment. Quantum applications originally come from the field of alternative medicine. There, energetic oscillating fields are used to stimulate diseased organs to vibrate again. I know it sounds like VOODOO, but it works if it is used correctly.
Serious homeopaths do a proper anamnesis with the patient before they use Quantum applications on the patient in order to transfer only those oscillating fields to the patient that are suitable for the patient. Because every person has a different spectrum of needs. If unsuitable oscillating fields are transferred to a patient, this can lead to health problems. And therein lies the problem with the use of Quantum applications in the hi-fi sector.
In order to improve the sound of their products, some manufacturers transfer energetic oscillating fields to their products. Since the manufacturers usually buy the Quantum applications from third parties and are not informed about possible side effects, they are not aware of the dangers of unsuitable oscillating fields for individuals
In order to minimize possible side effects, the user should therefore carry out a tolerance test before purchasing products modified with Quantum applications.
I did a compatibility test before I brought the Power Zone and the Vortex products into my home. As I reported earlier in this thread, the Power Zone also uses Quantum applications . For example, I responded well to the Paul Hafner Quantum frequencies of the Power Zone and my friend did not.
The most common side effects are headaches, restlessness or tiredness.
Part 3 follows…
Hi Luca. No, I am going to test Resolution 5 and I was told that they are far superior than Resolution 3 (hence my surprise to your negative reaction vs mine). Will keep you posted.
Thanks. This is very informative. I wanted to test the Gryphon Power Zone but what you are telling me is kind of alarming.
Prior to introducing the Scherzinger products I had two Stein Harmonizer but I kept them at minimum volume all the time and when I tried to introduce another couple at the back corner of the room they produced a strange pressure that I could not tolerate. In fact I returned them to the dealer.
The Schnerzinger products do not seem to have the same effect. Neither the Schumann resonators.
Hi Frankie,
Products that generate the Schumann frequency of 7.83 HZ are generally not problematic for humans, as the 7.83 HZ frequency is the oscillation frequency of the earth to which humans are accustomed.
The Schnerzinger products (Grid, EMI, Piccolos, Allocator and power cables) that I currently have at home for testing are free from informed oscillation fields, which I checked before I brought them into the house.
Don’t worry so much about the Paul Hafner oscillating fields of the Power Zone, as you are sensitive and feel incompatibilities with quantum oscillating fields - as with the Stein Harmonizers. If you have the Power Zone in your home you will feel whether you can tolerate the Paul Hafner vibration frequencies.
I have the Schnerzinger RESOLUTION LINE 3+5 for testing.
Oh man, you’re not making it easy. Luca only had the small Schnerzinger cables and it seemed that he was initially enthusiastic about some areas. But overall he prefers his stealth cables. Now you report on the upper Schnerzinger cable series. Luca, don’t let anyone mislead you. I am very happy with my Furutech Project V1 power cable in conjunction with the Dragon Source for the sources. I was offered to test the Schnerzinger power cables and for my own safety I declined for the time being. Maybe I should avoid your Schnerzinger cable reports so as not to be tempted.
Thanks for the info. I don’t have a Power Zone but wanted to try one. At present, mu power distributor is an Entreq Powerus.
A friend of mine has a very big system at home which is all powered by TOTL Shunyata cables and, after hearing the Scherzninger RESOLUTION 5, he decided to replace all cables with Schernzinger. Wonder how the INDIVIDUAL sound like!
I can’t tell you what the individual cables sound like. According to Schnerzinger, these cables are manufactured specifically to the component and the customer’s wishes. However, how these are adapted to the components is a mystery to me. Is it experience, reading coffee grounds or do you actually use the components for optimal adjustment.
The sky is the limit, my friend… definitely!
@paul172 another STEALTH club member, take duly note, my friend!
Luca, try to audition the RESOLUTION 5 cables if you can. They blew me away.
Just what I didn’t want to hear!
I was about to write exactly the same thing. We were so happy with our cables.
What power cords did you have before? I’m curious to see who will be the first to report on Schnerzinger speaker cables and connecting cables. I was also advised to definitely try out the Schnerzinger socket for the wall. A fuse module for the junction box is also available from Schnerzinger.
As for wall sockets I’ve already ordered them, to be used after my light refurbishment scheduled at the end of March. The bigger wall surface model I was told is better and it will fit my needs, too.