Schnerzinger Grid Protector EMI Allocator and other things

Donald, you’re well on your way. I typed “audiophile” into Google search and read that it can be a disease. That got me thinking a bit. The forum is truly a great place for like-minded audiophiles. Here you can talk about your equipment without anyone frowning or rolling their eyes. . Get tips and recommendations. But is it a type of group like Alcoholics Anonymous? Do we ever lose self-control? With each item you think, I still need that to achieve my goal, and after a few days the desire to buy something comes back. This constant search and desire for the perfect hi-fi system doesn’t allow you to just listen to music without thinking about the next upgrade. Most members’ systems are already great. There will always be something better; Maybe just be happy with what you have and enjoy it.

Greetings Andreas


It was unlike baldy to just sign off without saying sayonara… I hope he is ok! :man_shrugging:t2:

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He’s ok the last we heard. @minnesotafats sold him a set of MBL speakers not too long ago and Matt posted @Baldy was doing well.


Thanks Paul good to know…

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He is busy with family and he hasn’t even had time to set up the MBL 120s I sold him. Clearly focusing on family too much :slight_smile:


Putting family before self is certainly the noble thing to do! Good for you Vern!


@Stier2704 @luca.pelliccioli Do you know what is the difference between the Allocator and the New Innovator ?
And eager to hear how the Furutech (I got the FT-SWS(R) wall socket) vs Schnerzinger compares

The New Innovator is, I’m told, the predecessor to the Allucator. The Allucator is said to be the improved version.
If I haven’t misheard, the cable on the Allucator has been improved, as has the internal wiring.

I also have the Furutech rhodium sockets. According to some statements from dealers, customers and also from Schnerzinger, I should definitely try the Schnerzinger socket. The Schnerzinger socket is said to deliver better results than the Furutech, and in particular the dynamics are said to be increased. Luca will definitely tell us something about the sockets soon.

Greetings, Andreas


The Allucator sounds like a @aangen and @luca.pelliccioli cyborg sent from the future armed with Stealth cables and expensive hifi to wreak havoc on us all!


:rofl: now it occurs to me Allocator , Allucator
= AL Luca tor.:joy:


The Allocator replaced the New Innovator, now discontinued. Andreas is right.

As for Schnerzy wall sockets, at the end of March I’m going to install them, replacing the Furutech ones. Due to new wires and light wall refurbishment I won’t be able to make an objective comparison though.

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I imagine the Allocator is a battery-powered tool to find our mentor during audio events like Axpona… Beep, beeep, beeeeep… he’s getting closer and closer… (Gryphon Room, I bet!).

Not this year. :cry:
Al yes Gryphon room no. The closest Gryphon room will be in Addison or back at my place 40 minutes away.

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Beep… bee… b…. tsz tsz!