I would mention that when my BHK preamp was returned from PS Audio after repair they included a new set of Psvane 12au7-S tubes to replace the previous Psvane 12au7-II model. I was really surprised to listen and find these sound fantastic as I had been unimpressed with the previous Psvane set. I prefer these to the Genalex Gold Lions now.
As I’ve already posted on the tube rolling threads, I’m sold on both the new stock GL 12AU7 and the 6922. Both are whisper quiet with the 6922 having just a smidgen of midrange warmth in my BHK Pre I find to be characteristic of that tube type. Tube to tube quality control appears to be excellent as well. I have yet to purchase a dud, although I do admit to paying extra for Uncle Kevin’s platinum matching. With the supply of my favorite NOS tube types drying up (60’s era Tele’s and Siemens), I’ve felt compelled to find a new stock backup I can live with. The Gold Lions are that tube.
Tubes of antiquity and modern day present quite an imposing presence since they are in this way, game changers, based on impedance transfer functions between lengths of wire and plates of a given material… And we find surprises here, as if they were intended, or so… “Melodies” of tube families coming well together with circuits, a beautiful thing.
Not honing this aspect could even lead to boredom.
I would like to review the lattice structures of finely OHNO-drawn copper and silver samples against each other’s surfaces
With a microscope and with ears, at the sime time…!
They should not show an appreciable difference in simplistuc measures of impedance, the hearably appreciable difference in SQ would largely reside in local realms of lattice, open to idealistic exploration and further scientific study in materials sciencs
so far my favorite are Mullard E188CC / 7308 made for the French Signal Corps military, with RTC labels. I’ve been meaning to tell @brian.fitterman. They are a really good match for Focal Sopra 2. Music has a liquid quality.
I like GL in BHK pre if I use Telefunken NOS in the M1200. This combination works better than even with two sets of Telefunken NOS in both.
Right now I am using golden lions. I will have to check out the Mullards. Where are they available. I still have not put in Melco and purple fuse in pre. So much to do. So little time. Summer is here and yard work and outdoor parties seem to take my time.
Brent Jesse has them currently.
G.L. 12au7 price has gone up crazy for the last year. I bought a quad a year ago at almost half price I remember. I still have six new matched GL, so I am set for a while.
On the other hand, the PSVANE 12au-7s price has only gone up a little during the same period, I can guess well which one is more popular. I have six new PSVANE 12au7s too. Anyone like these? I am not sure if I have use for them anymore.