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Right before purchasing the Luxman I had the DS dac and DMP transport. I did like that combo a lot but wanted to simplify (one box solution) my set up someā€¦ I also have owned some other top rated digital before PS Audioā€¦When I watched Steve Gutenbergā€™s D10x review it critiqued my interest big time so I located a demo of the D10x and bought it sight unseen. I knew Luxman was/is world renowned and a blind purchase was not very difficult for me to do.

As far as sound quality the Luxman is the best these ears have ever heard and I still get excited to listen to it after owning it these last few yearsā€¦ Is it the best digital I have ever heard or owned? In a wordā€¦ absolutely! But I havenā€™t heard everything out thereā€¦and to be honestā€¦this price range is as far as I care to go. Iā€™m very happy about my decision and would recommend it to any serious music lover!

Hope this helps some.


Does the Luxman use the same drive as the Marantz and PST?

thanks @mark-d

so do you use the D-10Xā€™s DAC for other things, too? Streamer, etcā€¦?

No - Luxman has their own transport
Latest LxDTM-i transport
"To minimize even the slightest distortions triggered by vibration and resonance, we upgraded the disc drive, creating the LxDTM-i ā€“ LUXMAN original Disc Transport Mechanism (improved). We enclose the drive in 8 mm thick aluminum sides that extend to the front and rear panels, plus a 5 mm thick steel top plate. For added protection, the physical mounting system forms an integrated structure that supports the side frame.



Stock photo of drive unitā€¦


Nopeā€¦just plain old cdā€¦ I wanted a one box solutionā€¦ as opposed to a 2 box dac/transport.

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My least audiophile-ish component, but do like this Panasonic disc and file player/DAC all in one quite a bit. I like them so much I have 2 of 'em. Plays DSD64/128/256 and flac & wmv files and regular cdā€™s plus dvd/HD/4K video formats. The top box is for the Infinity speakers.


ok, so no streamer in your chain? (sorry if iā€™m being dense; just curious how youā€™re using things!)

The CD trays look similar.

True - but then so do the tires on a VW Golf and a BMW M7. The Luxman CD mechanism is totally different to the Marantz - it has never jammed.


Same here. The player itself has never once hiccuped or not responded to a command! I believe the tray itself is constructed of aluminum and not a cheap plasticā€¦

The D10x can be used as a standalone dac just like any other dac if you so desire. Dac,transport streamer ready in one unitā€¦

yep, yep, i know. Just wondering if youā€™re using its DAC with a streamer :+1:

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Sorry Chris that I did not make myself clearerā€¦No streaming for this old guyā€¦ It really does not interest meā€¦:+1:t2: Cd and sacd is good enoughā€¦ at least through the D10x :partying_face::grin:


ok, gotcha :+1:

Sorry for the interruption! Now back to your regularly scheduled disc player porn.

CDP-2 All in metal.


I have a pair of disc players in use


There is no doubt physical media is better sounding but the gap is closing and there is no better way to find new music to buy on CD than streaming with Roon Radio! You are missing out IMO.


Iā€™ve been streaming for three hours now. I think four is a cinch. It is not suffering. You just have to spend $297,002.00 Easy Peasy. And if you act now weā€™ll throw in this free guide to understanding the relationship your cables have with your pets! A three dollar value!