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Nice! Especially the wonderful cartridge.

Al–Does the vacuum pull through those two holes in the label area?


Yes sir!


As seen in so many of my Posts. My circa 1989/1990 Linn LP12/Lingo/Ekos/Benz Micro (taking a break). With my Ortofon Quintet S Black just installed (previously installed on the MoFi StudioDeck/StudioPhono (on sale at TMRaudio if anyone’s interested).

Previous owner had it since new including the Benz Micro. It was in storage for 20 years and then he had LMC Entertainment here in Phoenix do a full service on it this year preparing it for sale.

Sounds great and it’s something I’ve salivated over in the Audio Magazines of the 1980’s.

A very tight fit


*'m really not a vinyl fan any more.


Garrard 301, SME 3012, Audio Technica AT-OC9XSL (for fun I can connect a Decca FFSS Mk 3). There’s a dust bug. The board was made out of an unused kitchen shelf. It’s a PS Audio GCPH phono stage which feeds balanced into the ADC of my digital crossover.


Admittedly an older model and you have to cue it manually but it’s rock steady as long as the platter doesn’t get distracted and wander off.



A real life still in the wild Dust Bug!

I wonder if my old one is in the cupboard at my mother’s place, I shall have to check :slight_smile:

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I started with a Well Tempered Record Player and a Denon DL-110 cartridge and the sound was so much more engaging than my CD player back then. I upgraded to a Well Tempered Classic turntable with a thicker aluminum cup and later modified to the black damped platter and Cardas tonearm cable. A year or so later, I bought a Well Tempered Reference Turntable with a titanium record clamp and a Benz LPS cartridge. Also the Isoacoustic Orea feet are a nice upgrade to the stock feet. Now I have the Avid Acutus Turntable with the Soundsmith Hyperion MKII cartridge. the sound gets better and better with each upgrade. It’s amazing what you can get out of those record grooves.


Nice, the Acutus is told to be the best or one of the best suspension concept tables.

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Another Avenger
Kuzma 4pt-11, Kleos SL currently mounted
Roadrunner speed/tach


Thorens TD-150 in my office:

Thorens TD-124 in the dining room:

Thorens TD-126 in the dungeon:


Love the finish on the dinning room deck!


thanks… yeah I made that and the office one out of walnut. Tung oil finish.



Love the Ekos tonearm! My Linn Sondek is fitted with the lowly Ittok LVII, as when purchased the Ekos wasn’t an option. I continually toy with the idea of an Ekos upgrade, but my dealer strongly prefers the Naim Aro. At his point I remain happy with the Ittok. To this day my LP 12 Sondek prefers its perch upon a Sound Organization stand.

Linn Ekos

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Linn seem to be a most reliable company. Every Linn upgrade, Keel, Radikal 2, Ekstatik has produced a sonic improvement beyond my expectations and commensurate with the price.
I wouldn’t look beyond the Ekos SE for a tonearm upgrade.

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Not looking to upgrade the Ittok at the moment. Seeing the Ekos brought back the notion of an upgrade. At this point I plan to keep my Sondek as is with the Kore, and Lingo 4 upgrades. If it was my sole turntable I’d opt for an Ekos SE or Naim Aro.

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Of course, I have to show off old faithful… The 45 year old, all original Technics SL-1700MK2 that my father purchased brand new back in 1979, and still in mint condition. The cartridge is the Audio-Technica AT-OC9XSL moving coil. The phono pre is the tiny Schiit Mani which does a surprisingly good job, though I will eventually upgrade to the Pass Labs XP-15 or XP-17. Probably the 15 because it’ll match my XP-20 stack.


Get the XP-17. Trust me. :grinning: