Simple Phase switch box. It does make a difference

It’s very convenient to live in EU :smiley:

Why you hVe the same issue we do. But you do get the EU stuff cheaper though. But don’t you guys have that cat charge ?


No, we can just rotate plugs 180° in the mains outlets :wink:

alrainbow said: But you do get the EU stuff cheaper though.

Oh yeah, what costs in US 1000$, costs here 1500€ :D

Lol very good so there is no ground or polarity either ?



This is what it looks like:

Thanks I actually seen it on the lampi website.

This stuff drives me crazy. On one hand you have the p10/5/3. The really do work and mAke changes ,

In my living room I hVe my tv connected it improves that too. Then I read about this. And there in lies the contradiction.
