Snowmass DirectStream Sr. upgrade - Available in the Downloads Section

My DS not have sleeping on/off proplem. Only one - he is not turn off by remote control, if I press on/off button he is turn OFF and again turn ON in one monent. Blue button on the face plate on the DS doing same strange thing. another say - DS after installing Snowmass don’t want go to sleep mode.

Then I turn OFF DS on the rear side, wait two minutes. And turn ON. At this monent, my DS not have any problems.

Ohhh, no, one very LITTLE bug I have -
Awery morning I wake up my DS from remote control. Turn off the screen by “dim” button on the remote control. And then start play music by Bridge II (I listening my DS only by Bridge II v. 3.6.2). And then music is start playing - the screen on DS is ON, and I press “dim” button again. And all day awery thing is OK.

Sorry for my English, I’m Russian audiophile. :румянец: