There is an issue with the cover art server. I went to play two disks on the PWT today when I loaded them in they came up with the cover art and track list which is stored on the SD card than it went to the server and blew away the cover art and the track list. It removed them from the SD card. I have the Discdata backed up so I wiped the card and copied it back. Disconnected the internet connection tried those two disks again. They displayed the cover art and track info ok again. I intend to call tomorrow and speak with tech support. For now I will keep the internet disconnected. Just wanted to put the warning out there so others don’t loose the cover art if they have not backed up the SD card as I have.
Thank you. Noticed no artwork or track info the last few days and was worried it was something on my end.
Are you using a DMP or a PWT.
Using the PWT
Be sure to disconnect the internet or every disk that you play will be wiped fron the SD card.
I did some further investigation into the problem with the cover art server. I took a look at the SD card to see what the server replaced the tracklist info with when it wiped it and the cover art out. This is what I found in the folder.
Cannot connect to the MySQL host ‘’ because: Host ‘’ is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with ‘mysqladmin flush-hosts’
With any luck this will help the administrators of the network at PS Audio figure out what is going on.
Remember keep your internet connect out until the issue is corrected. I will be checking every day and will report here when it is corrected.
Same problem on my PWT. I pulled the SD card but haven’t done anything with it yet. At least I know it’s not an isolated issue.
You can disconnect the internet and leave the SD card in place. This will provide cover art for anything stored on the SD card. It is the server error that is wiping the info from the card so you are safe as long as you do not connect the network cable.
Is this happening with DMP as well or is it a case where they are no longer supporting PWT?
The DMP and PWT share the same cover art and tracklist server. I was told they migrated to a different server 6 weeks ago. This problem just occurred recently. I checked again tonight and it is still not working. If someone is using a DMP they would have the same issue. The one difference is with the DMP you will not get cover art and tracklist displayed with the network disconnected. The PWT will access the SD card and display anything stored on it!
Thank you for all the info
Since yesterday I have noticed the same problem with my PWT. Display does not show any information of the playing track nor does it show any album art… It shows that internetconnection and memory are ok, nut nevertheless…already I have sent a message to the helpdesk.
Arie, The Netherlands
Be sure to disconnect your network cable from the PWT. If you do not every disk you have stored on the sd card will get erased as you play them. If you do remove the network connection you will get cover art and tracklist info for any disk that is stored on the SD card.
Thx for the advise Sixpack. You are right, I lost info of couple of albums. Unplugged the ethernet-cable and it shows art and trackinfo, of albums stored on the SD-card, like before…
Operate that way until I post on this forum that the issue is corrected. I have an SD card with only a few disks on it that I try once a day. If it fails I simply restore the disk art and track info to the card for the next days test. If I don’t see it corrected within a week I will call the guys again.
I have encountered the problem on my PWT too. I removed Ethernet, so far just one disc info has vanished into the ether like a fart in the wind. I hope PSA gets the server issue resolved soon.
Hey sixpack1, do you know of a database I could access to repopulate my SD manually?
Or a script that I could use?
Thanks in advance
What I have always done because I have thousands of disks loaded to my SD card is I back it up to a folder in my PC. Than If something like this occurs I can copy the text and image back to the SD for use in the PWT. The problem is that if you have not done this you will not have anywhere that I am aware of to be able to restore the information that is lost. There is an ID that the disk gets that is sent from the server when it is functioning properly. Without that there is nothing you can place on the SD that would be addressed to a particular CD. I hate that they did away with playlist editor. I used it all the time in my book this was the worst decision they could have made. The Powerplay thing is of no real use to me and yet it is here still!
I liked the playlist editor too. But I must respectfully disagree about the usefulness of PowerPlay. Among other things, it lets you know if there is a problem with your regenerator board. This happened to me and to at least one other member here recently.
I look at it occasionally but as far as using it as frequently as I used the playlist editor. I keep an eye on my p15 displays to verify the performance of it.