Well, here we are in 2014 and as the snow begins to melt [yes Spring is actually coming] do we see something NEW on the horizon from PSA?
MMMmmmm, things have been awfully quiet on the “NEW” channel lately.
Perhaps the ELVES have been spending more time on the ski hills than the lab? or is the cauldron beginning to boil with NEW surprises?
Maybe it is time to make a wish? Maybe the wishes might come true? Do I smell something in the air and it is it more that just Spring.
We have all contributed to the “suggestion box” over time and in many cases it has been “catch up” fixes, firmwares, servers etc.
What if we think “outside” the box?
What is the single MOST important element in our quest for “Sonic Nirvana”?
Well, more SONIC NIRVANA, of course!
How about it PSA…
A major leap in SQ tops my wish list and I really don’t care how you do it, what version it is or if it has gaps or not.
Not an easy wish to grant, given what we already enjoy?
Gordon said: A major leap in SQ tops my wish list and I really don't care how you do it, what version it is or if it has gaps or not.
Second that and add "platform independent" to any soft(not firm, of course)ware that might appear.
BTW, speaking of the new super-amp - I'm still the second in the queue after Gordon :D
Gordon, did you intentionally limit this discussion to Beta only and deem it significant enough to place as an announcement?
It seems perfect for the general discussion category and will get more responses there.
Elk said: Gordon, did you intentionally limit this discussion to Beta only and deem it significant enough to place as an announcement?
I did not dare to ask that :D
Your guru often walks in wonderfully mysterious paths. As you know, meditators carry the added burden of future gazing beyond the navel.
Patience, grasshopper, for your enlightenment is fore-written.
For 2014 I just thought that the SQ priority should/could/maybe be the top priority on our wish lists.
We are all here for the SQ, no?
So let’s do a Beta Boys puja [google is your friend] and see if the universe is listening.
Cryptically yours,
Whatever . . .
I’d be pretty happy if they just got the amp out. And Wavestream (foobar2000 is working pretty well for me but we need WaveStream for the non-foobar crowd).
Elk said: Whatever . . .
In other words.....
I think it is time to create a little ground swell here and some anticipation for something that could easily be a NEW magical moment in our quest for Audio Nirvana.
Additionally, if something were to show up in the next few months, that indisputably raises the SQ in our systems then who cares what color the box is, gaps or no gaps, win, linux, mac, or if it does or does not make a great cup of coffee.
Not for me to say more yet without permission but if my radar is correct we all will have reason to get excited soon and we best begin now to put aside a few Shekels.
That's why, for now, this thread is in Beta.
stevem2 said: non-foobar crowd
It's easier to convert the non-foobar crowd to the foobar-crowd :D
Not so easy for Mac users (which includes Paul), unfortunately, and a lot of PC users seem strangely reluctant to give it a try. Not to mention dealing with expectations that have been raised by PSA's WaveStream promises.
Elk said: Whatever . . .
In other words.....
I think it is time to create a little ground swell here and some anticipation for something that could easily be a NEW magical moment in our quest for Audio Nirvana.
Additionally, if something were to show up in the next few months, that indisputably raises the SQ in our systems then who cares what color the box is, gaps or no gaps, win, linux, mac, or if it does or does not make a great cup of coffee.
Not for me to say more yet without permission but if my radar is correct we all will have reason to get excited soon and we best begin now to put aside a few Shekels.
That's why, for now, this thread is in Beta.
Sorry G but I don't think you can expect people to get excited about something so vague. On the other hand, as time goes by and if nothing materializes, you should expect people (even if only beta testers) to get frustrated and annoyed. Paul made some similar hints awhile back (in the public forums) that, in my book, already run this risk. Frankly, if there is something like this in the pipeline, it needs to be good and it needs to be soon.
stevem2 said: Not to mention dealing with expectations that have been raised by PSA's WaveStream promises.
This is already solved - no expectations left (actually, I never had any, as I said many times).
That’s the cynical view. Unfortunately, that’s probably the majority view at this point. (And it’s why I finally gave foobar a try.)
stevem2 said: it needs to be good and it needs to be soon.
Yes, I agree here. The IT industry (digital audio is more IT nowadays, than Audio) is extremely dynamic, if you do not come up with anything valuable within a year-two (let alone 3-4) you are forgotten.
That's the cynical view.
Not quite. I always have positive attitude, but if a company constantly makes the same errors, is always late with decisions, have no proper project management, and you clearly see that no improvements have been made, it's quite easy to predict what's going to happen.
I did not use “cynical” in a pejorative sense. Cynics are often right. And cynicism is sometimes deserved.
In this case it was pure logic, no emotions or skepticism
I still think that the best idea would be to make a cooperation with companies that have something already working. Even if it’s a competitor, like Linn. Both will profit.
Hiring the BitPerfect people seems to be a step in the right direction, if they ever get around to the PSA project and if they can do Windows as well as Macs (at leastWindows users have foobar to fall back on).
@gordon Well, we’re doing it! Bit Perfect guys have emailed me and said next week they’re dedicating to the project. They finally finished their work. That’s good news. Dennis is evaluating a really new interesting Bridge replacement candidate. Looks very promising and it does gapless. If it pans out we’d have to add our Digital Lens etc. to it, but that’s easy compared to trying to program the thing.
I would estimate lots of progress in the next couple of months. As the winter turns to spring it should get very interesting around here.
Reply to @alekz: I think we may be on to something working with others, which we’re doing, just not Linn. They’d die a thousand deaths before working with us, I am guessing.