Something OLD, NEW, BLUE?

Why is this thread an announcement? Been searching through 3 pages to find nothing factual whatsoever. What’s up with this “I announce that we’re going to announce something…”? Building anticipation is a good thing, if done correctly, but this is just ridiculous…Please keep away from using the “Announcement” flag until there’s actually something to announce.


mgn said: Why is this thread an announcement?

Elk said: Gordon, did you intentionally limit this discussion to Beta only and deem it significant enough to place as an announcement?

Alekz said: did not dare to ask that

No reason as always. Typical Gordon :D
mgn said: Why is this thread an announcement?
. . . Building anticipation is a good thing, if done correctly, but this is just ridiculous...

Fully agreed. And a number have similarly so opined.

I initially assumed Gordon inadvertently labeled this thread as an announcement when he started it, but he affirmed this is what he intended. I otherwise was going to remove the "announcement" label.

Given the tenor of the thread I would now additionally delete it, but I do not feel it appropriate to do so abhorring any form of censorship.

So there you go.

If you think about it for a while, from other than your own perspective, you may “get it”.

Wglenn and I could have just kept quiet and not shared anything.

Beta did get the first heads-up out of courtesy and respect for their role here.

I’ve been holding back since last fall [painfully] and so has Paul [even more painfully].

We agreed to keep quiet and we actually did, until Will called me from his car after leaving “point Zero” in Boulder and was babbling in foreign tongues about the NEW …-----…!

After an email from Paul about a package being prepared, and the countdown began.

Many of you were perhaps planning other purchases to overcome the mid-winter-blues and would have been rightfully pissed if your budgets were already shot.

My original post was about improved SQ and save some $$.

I could not disclose the “WHAT”. El Heffe will do that HIMSELF on March 1st.

To those of you that this annoys, I m sorry. For the rest of the adults…

I repeat. save some dough and what’s coming soon is a “quantum” leap.

Have faith.

ELK edit:

We all “get it.” There is nothing profound here, no esoteric subtlety that only the learned in the mystic arts can appreciate.

This post’s opening comment, and the parting statement “For the rest of the adults,” well evidences one of the significant underlying problems with this thread.

On the other hand, Wglenn handled the situation wonderfully well: enthusiastic, direct, open, honest.

Wglenn shares his excitement and describes his delightfully positive experience, clearly stating the limits of what he can reveal - all without the patronizing comments and egocentric attitude of this thread. He also does so without being deliberately misleading.

Again, I suggest you take to heart the numerous objections to your unfortunate approach, learn from them, and treat Wglenn’s thread as a positive, respectful exemplar.

Thank you for closing the thread. I would have done so long ago, but it was not my thread to close.

EDIT: Elk, I no longer find your above posts amusing. You appear to have some personal bee in your bonnet that does not belong here in the forum. I have attempted to temper this by replying with some tongue in cheek humor but it does not seemed to have been effective.

Perhaps the humor was not obvious enough.

I would appreciate that if you feel something of a personal nature that you address it to me OR Paul McGowan by PM as in that way it will not serve to bring such sentiments into the general forum.

While we all have opinions either pro or con to any discussion it is not necessary, especially for a “Community Leader” to escalate opinions into a page of litigation from Judge Judy. [ see, humor]

Please keep in mind that everyone is here to have fun as well as to learn and share.

It is the role of Community Leaders" to promote a compatible environment and as the appointed Forum Moderator, I would request your support in doing this.

You declined my invitation to participate more actively in the moderation activities of any specific category due to a “lack of patience” for this and I respect that.

Please allow me the benefit of the doubt for the motivation and intentions behind my posts.

As previously shared, I am very open to anyone who is willing to take a leadership role in this forum.