Glad to have helped. Let us know as you make progress.
I think the secret is symmetry. Symmetry is good.
You are right but the room is the master
I always got very good depth even in assymetrical positions. For me, key was always correct toe in and absorption in the front wall.
I start with no toe in, and go tuning until I lose width and depth. In my experience, width and depth are a trade off with center image.
I myself prefer a more diffuse center but with a larger and deeper soundstage.
And that is one of the points that the Nagra excels over the Vivaldi. But that is another discussion
There is always a solution, it is necessary to approach without prejudice.
When I placed the shunmook diamonds under the century, the wall behind the system was destroyed
After seeing your distances more in detail I must say that for me real depth starts as soon as the listening distance is equal or shorter than the distance of speakers to back wall behind them. You’re far from that.
There are 130cm from the front wall to the tweeter. In my room this is the max I can pull them out
I have a feeling that @MarADyr is right. You seem to have done everything properly with speaker setup. My thinking is that making adjustments to the diffusers is worth trying for general smoothness and general tonal balance. The last 2 things to try might be to toe the speakers in and point them to your ears (not nose, but ears), and adjust the height you listen from so your ears are mid-height (or just below midheight of the tweeters.
Otherwise, contact tekton directly and explain everything.
Ok…your room seems big enough…the back wall distance imo is 90% of the fun in high end audio.
I agree, that’s also my experience.
I’ll toss one more bit of reference material into the mix.
I have touted this resource many times here in the forum and it is worth every penny (my paper back copy gets plenty of use - every time I make or contemplate a change to the kit or room I flip through the book to make sure I have not violated some basic principle or missed something). Check out Jim Smith’s, “Get Better Sound”:
The focus of the book is to get the most out of what you have (as opposed to buying different or better kit). That focus, down-to-earth presentation and more than reasonable price are what set this book apart from other, similar publication, IMO.
Looking forward to an update on your journey when you have some time and something to report.
My new front wall setup, and some pictures of my room.
have just set it up so I don’t know if it sounds better
Next step will be to treat first point of reflection in the same way for left and right wall.
Not going to be easy the two walls are very different.
I’ll make a friendly wager that the new front wall set up, plus addressing the first and/or second point of reflection on the left channel wall has/will get you much closer to the sense of depth you are looking for on well recorded material containing that kind of acoustic imaging.
Front wall looks great (betting it will sound great as well)…
Great job!
[PS: Can you provide some details on your front wall diffusers? TIA.]
Have you gotten a copy of the Audiophile’s Reference disc or download yet? I’d be curious to find out how the three tracks dedicated to depth work for you and what the results are.
I think you need to toe in more to get better results. I own Double Impacts too and have also played a lot with placement. Tekton recommends roughly 2.1m tweeter to tweeter and toe in to cross half a meter behind your head,so you should see just a little inside cabinets. Try that and move from there with small increments in / out toe in.
Everything matters and your soundstage depth and all else is affected by your room and gear and cables. It may be that your setup is just not right and you hear that as flaws in depth etc…at least i do when something is not right.
Thanks for asking. Yes I have and the difference I heard from track to track was that the voices was getting weaker and weaker.
Tomorrow I will “listen” to my new front wall.
About my side walls I am considering two of this on each side. Are they any good?
My setup before I started this chapter of my journey to audio bliss was the one you mention.
The toe in was such that I just could just see the inside of the speaker and the was aiming at my shoulders.
It’s better now, so I am moving in the right direction
I like to use the song Kyra by Misa Criolla for speaker setup.
If her voice gets to big the speakers are to close if the toe in is not right or the distance between the speakers are to large there will be a hole in the choir.
With the right set up the choir is a wall behind her and she stands in front.