Sprout100 clicking noise/won't power on

I see. In my case, I am not sure if they had to order the capacitor from the US. Thanks for the info!

Having the same issue.

Won’t power on, had clicking sound (I presume from a relay) and a flashing green light. But it stopped eventually and is now dead.

Very light use over 2 years. Pretty dissapointed.

unfortunately, no solutions to problems are listed further here. My Sprout 100 also quit after not even 100 hours of playtime! (Use in a second home) with Clicking already said goodbye. Device was delivered new in July 2019 from the Austrian dealer d-t-s.at to Germany as a new device. With the total failure of the device now over the Christmas vacations and beyond a big nuisance! So what to do? Is there a possibility in Germany or the EU to have the device repaired? What measures need to be taken? How does PS Audio explain the dilemma and what are the proposed solutions? Thanks for efforts & future music enjoyment! Sprouti 93

I started having the same problem, but mine started when turning it off it won’t turn off with clicking sound. Then it sometimes won’t power on with flashing LED.

Alas - I have the same problem with my 2019 Sprout. It started today: a clicking noise (2 clicks per second) with three green flashing lights inside.