As one of the lucky beta testers, I’ll be reviewing my newly purchased Stellar M1200’s.
For those interested, my systems and rooms are as follows:
I’ll be breaking in the M1200’s and giving out of the box impressions as they break in - that’s part of the fun, isn’t it? I mean, don’t you want to hear how your gear comes to life as it breaks in? I sure do.
The Stellars will be driving my Alexia’s to begin with direct from my dcs Rossini. I don’t want anything extraneous in the signal path. After that, I’ll introduce the Boulder Preamp and give impressions down the road. I’ll also bring them upstairs and plug them into the B&W System and the DirectStream DAC and do a shootout with the famous John Curl Halo JC-1s.
Not sure if it’s reasonable to try and compare it with the Boulder amp, but it may be depending on what I hear. I will tell you that my DirectStreamDac (DSD for simplicity for a bit here), blew a my group of audiophile buddies away when I set it on the shelf above my Rossini and asked them which one was playing (of course the displays were covered). Shockingly 40% of them picked the Rossini - out of 20. They liked the DSD so much, that 3 went and bought one within a month, and I’m still getting others telling me that I must have played shenanigans because there’s no way it sounds that good. So we’ll be having another shootout this next month if the Gov’t will let us assemble w/out anyone getting Corona Virus (not joking).
Anyway, just an introduction of myself and wanted to say hello to everyone. I’ll be posting when it get’s here!!
Critical Listening Room:
Basement -
The Room - 24" Concrete form walls padded out and floated acoustically. Room is 17’x32’ (Green glue, floating floor system used along with excavation of another 4 feet below in order to “build up” to isolate the flooring from the room. The room has an Atmos 7.4.2 System with in-walls and is independent of the 2 channel system at the front of the room which is where all the magic happens.
The Gear:
Boulder 2060 AMP
Boulder 2010 PREAMP
dcs Rossini w/Clock
Wilson Alexias
2x Velodyne DD12 Subwoofers
Wireworld Platinum Cabling everywhere
“Fun System”
Room: Normal room, not acoustically treated other than drapes and such
B&W Nautilus 802 Speakers
PSAudio Directstream DAC w/Network Bridge - about 5 months old now.
Krell S1200U 3D
2x Parasound Halo JC-1’s
1x Parsound Halo A31
B&W Nautilus HTM1 Center Channel
B&W SCMS Surrounds
2x Velodyne DD12 Subwoofers
(Edit: Just added a photo of the front end of the system)
(Display is a projector)