System Photos!

BTW, I thought I would add another view of the room and provide some details. The construction is 2 x 16 offset studs with 2 x insulation. The roof is peaked with blown in insulation there as well. The walls then have reclaimed wood for additional insulation properties and aesthetics. The wood walls provide significant absorption as well.


Congratulations! Beautiful space you have there…something to be proud of… As far as suggestions go, I think you already put your finger on a priority - taming some of the points of first reflection. To that end, I would suggest focusing on the first reflection point on the floor and some relatively heavy draperies for covering the windows (front and side) when you want to do some serious listening. Enjoy the search for the unobtainable!

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Killer room Lewis! Nice work man.
I used to connect my PS Audio DAC directly to my amp. Then i bought an Aesthetix Calypso tube preamp - and man, it definitely sounds better, Occasionally I double check, and connect the Direct Stream to the amp directly. And have confirmed my observations. With a good preamp in between, the sound comes alive. Sounds even more realistic. But, then again, when the DAC acts as a preamp, the sound is still awesome! Great system man!


I’m envious! Great idea with those rolling diffusors near back wall :wink:

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+1 on the room! Is that a metallic epoxy floor?

Hello everyone, thought I would share my system with you. Speakers are custom made triple stacked Quads 57. The room is quite large measure 20ft wide 30ft long and ceiling 8 to 10 ft.
Amplifier are custom made Balanced solid state class AB.
They put out 600 watts at 8 ohms, 1200 at 4 ohms, 2400 at 2 ohms.
Preamp is the same custom made Balanced.
Cd Player is an Ayon CD1.
All power cords and interconnects are my own design and build. Speaker wires are mogami with a modification.
Previous speakers were Appgee Divas got rid of them because they were not as musical. Also had a mid bass drop out I couldn’t fix plus they couldn’t fill the room.
I am in SW Miami anyone is welcome for a listen.


This looks amazing! Thanks for sharing. Are the Quads in parallel? Do you get any lobing from the three stack?

Indeed, amazing, that’s how they should be used and were from the very beginning.

Only comment is that you have about 10 times more power than you would ever need, and I can’t imagine you need the extra heat in Miami either.

Also nice to see using a simple cable for the job, $1/ft copper multi-strand with inductance under 0.5 microH.

Welcome HRC. Very nice setup and room. Must give you plenty of hours of listening pleasure.

Yes Paul they are in parallel, after so many years I am still amazed at what they can do. There is a realistic quality to the sound and how it interact with the room. It can be as small as a mini monitor, or the size of a full orchestra.

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Thanks Stevensegal, no they don’t run hot.
I know it’s a lot of power, better to have and not use.


Thanks Paul the space between each panel is about 1 inch. It looks more from the front because the trim is the top and bottom of the dust panels. There is beaming but it has fairly good dispersion. Can enjoy in different seats.

Thanks Bridg.

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Hi all,

Humble system share time.

PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp
PS Audio BHK Signature 300 Monoblocks
PS Audio DirectStream Power Plant 15
Auralic Aries G2
Auralic Vega G2
Auralic Leo GX
KEF R11 Loudspeakers
Morrow Audio SP7 Grand Reference Speakers cable
Morrow Audio MA5 XLR interconnects




Scott- Great to see you post here. Congrats on your new BHK/P15 additions! Glad you are really digging your new PSA gear.

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Thanks Dave!

Inspiration from your insane system. Loving the new gear! Thanks for all the advice!

What a nice, high-value system (a lot of bang for the buck) you have there… Enjoy.

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That really is a pretty system, pretty in a manly black color loving way

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Looks like a brilliant system! How’d you settle on the Kef R11s? Curious to hear what else was in the running.

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Owned many KEF models (LS50, R700 and some older examples). They are my current flavor of the month. I rotate a lot, have also owned Sonus Faber, B&W, Dynaudio etc.

The R11s are a really sweet sounding speaker, and really sing with the BHK power. I was driving them with JC1s/JC2 before the PSA gear, but now they are happier than ever! ; )


Awesome, I appreciate the info. I’ve always liked Kef. I’m guessing the R11s hold their own without the need for a sub? Or have you thought about adding one?